Harry X Draco + Ron: Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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A/N: I may have been wanting to put a threesome in here somewhere..... if it's not your thing, again skip the one shot or go to a tamer one. This will probably be worse than the last one. This is my last warning too.

Also, before you read, this is actually more Ron x Harry than it is Harry x Draco. Look at the character interaction and actions. Leave your theories what I was going for in the comments. The best ones can suggest future one shots. And the ones with the closest accuracy get a shoutout as well, as well as a character in the Illivermoony series I'm putting in these one shots. But in that case, the first three to get it right will be put in.


Walking into a room to see your best mate fucking someone you hate was not something Ron ever wanted to walk in on. Sure, he knew about their relationship, but that didn't mean he wanted to be part of it.

Ron had seen Harry sneak away from his bed late at night, curiosity got the best of him and he followed after a few minutes. Ron waited a few minutes to follow Harry even when he saw him enter the ROR, otherwise known as the Room of Requirements. How Draco and Harry had managed to get down and busy in an undercover couple twister so quickly was completely lost on Ron.

Harry was stark naked under Draco, legs spread and arms wrapped around his neck. Draco was naked himself, already balls deep in Harry. They were sprawled across a rather large bed as a fireplace illuminated the room, along with floating candles. The door almost seemed t Slam behind Ron, causing both boys to look at him.

"R-Ron!" Harry exclaimed as his face flushed with heat.

"Don't worry Harry, it's not like Weasel would say anything about this." Draco assured.

"Bloody hell!" Ron covered his eyes and attempted to mentally wipe his brain clean.

"It's your fault for following him." Draco reminded.

"You knew he was following me!" Harry exclaimed.

"He didn't notice me, but I saw him creeping from a corner. You need to pay more attention to your surrounding Scarhead." Draco scorned.

"You're the worst..." Harry groaned.

"But you love me." Draco retaliated as Ron stood awkwardly,

"Are you two really arguing during Sex?" Ron questioned, partly horrified.

"Well," Draco started, ignoring Ron's question, "since the opportunity has arose, would you like to join us, just this once?" Draco asked, to which Harry blushed.

"Draco!" He exclaimed.

"What, you don't want Weasel to see your perverted side?" Draco smirked, and pulled out of Harry, turning him towards Ron, holding his legs in a spread eagle position.

"Stop it Draco!" Harry attempted to cover himself and Rob gave up, peeking at Harry through his fingers. A hot pang shot through his body at the sight of Harry, his chest glistening with sweat and some of his own bodily fluids, his face flushed and eyes hazy. A flush even dared to spread to Ron's face.

"So Weasel, are you joining? If your not, the door is right behind you." Draco smirked, the only person in the room with complete control over the situation. "I'd hurry if I were you, your sporting quite the tent already."

"R-Ron?" Harry looked at his best mate questioningly. Ron dropped his hands from his face and once again assessed the situation. Both possible situations ended up with not looking at Harry the same way ever again, so why not take the getting laid option?

"I'll join." Ron sighed and pulled off his jumper and Draco once again smirked, making room for Ron on the large bed, which really wasn't needed. Draco let Harry fall to his knees, and Ron joined them on the bed.

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