Harry x Ginny ~ Living With Harry Potter

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Ginny Flicked through the channels on the television. She was bored out of her mind. When was her boyfriend getting back. She was supposed to have quiddich practice for the game next week, but it was canceled. Ginny sighed and turned off the television. She went to the kitchen to fix herself some dinner. It was obvious to her that Harry was working late again. Most people told her that she was so lucky to be dating the boy who saved the wizarding world. Ginny didn't see Harry like that. She remembers him as the boy who saved her life in her first year. The best seeker she ever seen. She doesn't care about his fame, or how much money he has. To her, Harry was just the boy she saw when she was ten, not know where he was. Out of habit, Ginny made dinner for two. She set the table for her and Harry and put food on her plate.

"Ginny, I'm home." Harry said as he entered. Ginny smiled as Harry walked in.

"I made some dinner Harry. I didn't know when you were getting back, so I started eating." Ginny said. Harry kissed her cheek.

"You are amazing, you know that." Harry says. Ginny smiled widely.

"I know. So how was work?" Ginny asks.

"Actually, I wasn't at work, I was getting you something and had to ask your parents for permission first." Harry said.

"What did you ask them?" Ginny questions. Harry got down on one knee.

"Will you, Ginny Weasley, marry me?" Harry asks, holding out a gold ring with a large stone in the center.

"Yes!" Ginny exclaimed. Harry slipped on the engagement ring.


A/N: so a user gave me the idea for this. @Not_YourAverageGirl thanks for the idea.

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