Seamus x Dean ~ Nightmares and Graves

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A/N: so, I'm actually surprised I never did a one shot for these two! Like seriously, no one asked for it... so thank the wonderful @Ravenxferret22 for the request and me finally getting around to doing it.

Never be afraid to ask for a ship. I'll listen.

Also, I was re-reading parts of the book and looking up Seamus and Dean to make sure I get their characters right and Dean is like my hero now.

He fought the first part of the Battle of Hogwarts, without a wand and he survived! Also, literally every mention of him has him with Seamus which makes me like, super happy.

Also, the actors who played the pair in the film ship it. I'm not even shitting you.

Also, also, I'm making up bullshit in this as well when... we'll you'll see. I mean maybe it exist, but just not confirmed.



Seamus sat on the couch in the living room of his home, reading a book Dean had lent him. He couldn't sleep and decided that reading would help. The boy felt a certain uneasiness in him.

Dean was fast asleep, twisting, turning, nearly screaming I. Pain. His head filled with awful accounts of his year in hiding and the battle. He jolted awake, shivering, gasping for air. He looked besides him, seeing that Seamus wasn't there. With trembling legs, he got out of bed and left the bedroom, seeing Seamus sitting on the couch. He walked over and threw his arms around him.

"Come back to bed." Dean sighed.

"Another nightmare?" Seamus asked softly.

"Yeah. It's getting worse. I still remember the day everyone died, Ted Tonks, the others, I remember Hermione's scream when all of us were trapped in the basement. I remember it all." He was trembling terribly, Seamus could tell.

"Let's go back to bed." Seamus got up and walked around the couch to Dean. "I may not be the best at comforting you, but you know I try my best:" he pressed a kiss to Dean's lips and grabbed his hand, walking him back to their bedroom. Seamus got under the covers with Dean and held him close. "You wanna talk, see if that helps?"

"I've told you everything so many times." Dean smiled sadly.

"I know." Seamus cups Dean's face, brushing his thumb over deans lips. "Were both survivors of something terrible. I remember every day before the war, I was constantly worrying about you, afraid I may never see you again, but here you are. But the scars from last year still remain, for the both of us." Seamus smiled sadly.

"It was quite a roller coaster, wasn't it? Hogwarts really threw us around." Dean laughed a bit.

"We never really fought with each other." Seamus recalled.

"Of course we didn't. We fell for each other right away, though neither of us did anything until sixth year." Dean smiled, leaning into Seamus' touch.

"You never really get angry, yet you still stand up for what you believe in, even if someone you care about is against you." The pair held hands as they laid next to each other. "Sometimes I wish we could go back just so I could make you mine sooner."

"I'm yours now, which is all that matters." The pair was filled with a saddened happiness.

"Tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of the battle." Seamus mutters.

"Should we go bring flowers to Dumbledore's grave? Or maybe pay our respects to those who died during the battle?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. We should. We're were lucky. There were others who weren't as lucky." The pair sighed together.

"I'm tired." Dean whispered.

"Me too." Seamus pulled Dean close, letting dean use his arm as a pillow.

"We should visit Neville, Harry, the weasleys, someone too tomorrow. Talk to some friends and see how they're doing." Dean smiled.

"Yeah. Let's get some sleep." When the pair fell asleep, it was dreamless. The warmth of the other seemed to ward off any nightmares either could have.

"I see we aren't the only people who thought to pay homage." Dean smiled softly seeing people at Dumbledore's grave. Hermione and Draco same together along with Luna and Ginny. Draco and Hermione made up for their year gone. Harry stood next to Draco and Ron came too, standing next to Hermione and his Sister. Neville was there too, talking for softly to Luna, Percy and Oliver stood next to each other. Everyone they knew at Hogwarts that survived, was there. They all held roses of different hues, some enchanted, others not. And people placed them on Dumbledore's grave. Seamus held Dean's hand the entire time, both of them putting their roses down together.

It was a sadly glorious day, the sun shining with clear skies, heat baking down on them, which somehow darkened the mood. Somehow. Yet, everyone held these smiles on their faces as they placed the flowers on Dumbledore's grave. Dean was sure some of them were thinking of others who died as they placed the flowers, especially the Weasley's and Harry. They lost people greatly important to them. Dean and Seamus lost almost nothing, except a few friends which they did miss dearly, but the impact was not as tremendous as loosing a loved one.

When everyone put their flowers down, they all scattered, leaving to go somewhere. Dean and Seamus did manage to talk to the Weasley (excluding Ginny) Harry and Oliver.

"I'm surprised with how many people showed up." Seamus said as they walked.

"A lot of people who died in the battle didn't get a grave right away. Many have graves now, but some..." Oliver trailed off.

"It's good to see you two are still together." Harry smiled.

"You and Draco are going on strong as well. And It's always a pleasure to see You and Oliver, Percy." Dean smiled softly.

"I wish things didn't happen this way." Ron muttered.

"Yeah. I'm sure a lot of us can agree with that." They all soon parted and the pair went back home. It was a sullen silence at first then Dean said something that really seemed to shock Seamus.

"Seamus. Are you up for adoption?" He asked softly.

"What? I mean yes, but what? Why so sudden?" Seamus questioned.

Dean sighed softly. "I never knew my father. Didn't even know he was a wizard, but me Mum remarried and my step dad was the kindest in the world, and my sisters were the cutest little things. Growing up with them, I've always loved the idea of having kids, but seeing how, well, you know... maybe we could adopt."

"Dean, you know two same sex wizards can have kids, it just takes a lot of magic and trips to the hospital." Seamus informed with a small smirk.

"What? I never though that was possible!" Dean commented.

"Percy and Oliver are trying it now. Considering they're engaged an all. We could try it if you want. Keep in mind though, it's bit a common practice, so we might get weird looks after one of us starts showing." Seamus admitted.

"I'm not completely turned away by the idea. So let's have a kid." Dean smiled.

"Let's have a kid."


A/N: Unexpected ending! No really, no idea where t came from.

Maybe they have a spell for it, maybe they don't. Anyways, love ya guys and I'll see you, in the next one shot!

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