Draco x Harry ~ What Did I Do To You

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A/N: this is supposed to be a bit sad. And I realize they never really physically hurt each other, but this makes it easier to write.


Harry panted as he stared at the ground. His face was flushed red with embarrassment.

"Had enough Potter?" Draco laughed coldly. Harry got up. He looked Draco straight in his cold dead eyes. Harry saw a flicker of emotion, but it was gone.

"What did I ever do to you?" Harry asked. Draco didn't respond. Harry just backed up, then turned an ran. Ran as fast as his 16 year old self could. Draco watched him run. A pang of guilt struck him in the chest. He showed no emotion, his friends were around him. What was he thinking? These people weren't his friends. His fists clenched.

"Come on Draco, we're going back to the dorms." Blaise said.

"I'll catch up with you." Draco said. They all shrugged and left. When they were gone, Draco sank to his knees. "I'm a terrible person. I'm a terrible person." He whispered over and over. He picked himself up and felt tears fall down his cheeks.

He was becoming his worst nightmare. He was becoming to much like his father. The man he hated with every ounce of his being. Draco wiped away the tears and sighed. He went to find Harry. Despite everything the two been through, he should apologize. All this torture he put Harry though was not okay.

He walked and walked, not finding him. But, he heard sobs coming from a bathroom. Draco entered. There was Harry. Golden boy. He was broken, tears dripping on the ground. His green eyes were misty with tears.

"Harry?" Draco asked, not even caring he was using his enemies first name. Harry looked up and then swore under his breath.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" Harry spat. Harry wiped away his tears, leaving his eyes red and puffy. Draco didn't look that well either. Well, by normal Malfoy standards. His eyes were misty and his eyes were slightly red.

"I'm sorry. Okay? What I've been doing for the past 6 years was wrong. I bullied you. I'm sorry!" Draco shouted the last part. He slumped to the ground. Harry was taken by surprise by Draco's actions.

"You're sorry?" Harry questions.

"Yes. I realized that I was becoming like the very person I hoped to never be. My own father." Draco admitted. Harry slung his arm around Draco in a friendly way.

"I guess we're both from broken homes." Harry joked. Draco smiled a little. A real smile, not those half smiles or those grins.

"I know this is a lot to ask, but can we start over?" Draco questions.

"Aren't you worried about your friends?" Harry questioned out of pure curiosity.

"Those people aren't really my friends. They only stick to me because of my wealth and name." Draco admits.

"No kidding. All because of the chosen one bullshit, people try to get on my good side." Harry said, running his hand through his head.

"So, start over?" Draco questions.

"Yeah." Harry smiled. Draco held out his hand. Harry grabbed it.

"Should we get to know each other first?" Draco asks.

"Well, not much to know. My favorite sport is quiddich, I'm gay, defense against the dark arts is my favorite subject, despite the teacher......" Harry listed.

"I didn't you know you were gay Harry." Draco said. Harry just shrugged.

"There is no attraction when I date girls." Harry said.

"Cool. I'm gay as well." Draco admitted.

"Never would have guessed that." Harry laughed. Harry's laugh was contagious. Draco started laughing as well. Soon, both boys were rolling on the floor in laughter.

"You have a weird laugh." They said simultaneously. They laughed yet again.

"You know, when your laughing, you're cute." Harry smiled. Realizing what he said, he blushed.

"And you're always cute." Draco smiled. Both boys were now blushing. Their faces both bright red. About as red as Ron's hair.

"You know what? Screw it." Harry said before pressing his lips on Draco's.


A/N: okay, it wasn't that sad. I hope you like it.

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