Ginny x Harry ~ Kids

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A/N: @iswallowedabutton , here is the Fluffy chapter you asked for!

This will be part of the next few one shots talking about kids, though this will probably be the only normal one. Heh. Though they won't be one after another, just know theirs more to come


Harry knocked on the door.

"How's she doing?" Harry smiled. His two sons lagging behind him.

"She's sleeping. Come on boys, look at you little sister." The boys headed over. Albums waddled over with his stubby 2 year old legs. Ginny picked Albus off the ground and put him in her lap and he peered curiously into the crib. James' 4 year old self was peering into the crib. The pair looked at the baby in the crib who had a tuft of red hair on her head.

The two boys already seemed to adore that younger sibling, and Harry and Ginny couldn't help but smile at it all. There was something unspoken in the air, the comforting calm of parent hood. Harry and Ginny were proud parents. 

"She's pretty!" James exclaimed silently, used to having to be quiet to not disturb his younger siblings.

"I bet she'll look exactly like her namesake, just like you will yours." Harry smiled. James looked at him with a confused face, to which Ginny and Harry chuckled.

"Anyways, uncle Ron and Hermione are coming to visit and they're bringing Rose and Hugo!" Ginny giggled. Both boys seemed to jump with joy.

"Is Teddy coming?" Harry asked. Teddy was legally his now, but spent the weekend with the Weasleys.

"He'll be coming back with them. He's like our fourth child." Ginny assured softly. The two kids weren't paying attention, but instead looking at their little sister in fascination.

"I don't remember conceiving gay child?" Harry joked as Ginny stood up, settings Albus on the ground. She walked to Harry and threw her arms around him, her beauty still shining through.

"Oh, so you don't remember our wedding night? Our honeymoon?" Ginny teased.

"Your off by a few years." Harry pressed a tender kiss to her lips. The embarrassingly loving kiss that would make older children squeam in embarrassment. The kids were to distracted to notice or care.

A knock sounded from the front door and James bounded. He looked at Harry for silent approval to answer. Harry simply nodded and James ran out of the room, a Albus fumbling behind him.

"You go watch those two. I'm sure Lily won't be asleep for long." Ginny smiled and Harry pressed a kiss to her lips again before heading to the living room. James had just opened the doors when Hermione and Ron entered with their two kids, little Hugo snuggled up in Hermione's arms. Teddy right behind them.

"Harry! Nice to see you." Ron smiled, the smile going all the way to his eyes.

"I saw you yesterday at work." Harry joked as he hugged his best friend.

"Daaaaaad!" Teddy groaned, causing Harry to snicker. Teddy called him dad every now in then and it made him happy, continuing on the roll from Remus.

"What do you want now?" Harry asked.

"I only have a few more days until I have to go back to Hogwarts. We need to go shopping." Teddy complained.

"We'll go tomorrow, you just got back." Teddy only pouted.

"So, how's Lily?" Hermione asked.

"She's adorable as ever." Harry smiled.

"Well I'm sure we'll see enough of that while you and Ginny are on your date." Hermione smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks again for watching the kids." Harry chuckled.

"You do it more than enough for us. You two have fun." Ron assured.

"Where are you two going?" Teddy asked curiously.

"Out for a bit. We'll be back soon." Harry smiled. Hermione went to where Ginny was and Ginny left soon after. She grabbed her purse and walked over.

"Thanks again for this." Ginny laughed softly.

"Don't worry about it sis." The night started off great, as Ginny and Harry left For their dinner reservations and the enjoyed each other's company. It was a sweet a somewhat needed break.

However, an hour later Hermione called.

"I'm sorry to disturb your anniversary dinner date, but Lily started crying and she won't stop. Teddy changed his appearance to resemble you a bit Harry and that seems to have calmed her down, but I don't think it will last long." Hermione frantically rushed.

"It's fine. We'll be there soon." Harry chuckled a bit. He hung up and Hermione was already calling over the waiter for the bill and to go boxes. Well, not to go boxes, but something similar.

"Every year this happens with at least one kid." Ginny laughed.

"Remember when we used to be able to go one dates all the time?" Harry asked.

"Yes, but I wouldn't trade what we have now for the world." Ginny smiled.

"Anyways, we should hurry." Harry said softly.

"We should." The pair rushed back home were they heard their little Lily sobbing and teddy rushing in with his hair changing back to its preferred blue. Hermione was holding Albus who was bawling in her arms and Ron and James were looking at the situation in panic as Ron held Hugo and Rose just sat in the ground, looking on.

"You take lily I'll get Albus." The couple grabbed their kids and the minute their children felt they embrace, they stopped crying.

"They're a lot louder than ours, that's for sure." Ron joked.

"Maybe because of our personalities?" Ginny suggested softly as she rocked Lily in her arms.

"Thanks for watching them, even if it wasn't for long. I'll see you at work on Monday." Harry smiled. Hermione and Ron grabbed their kids, saying they goodbyes, then left.

"Guess it will be awhile till we get some peace and quiet." Ginny chuckled.

"Still," Harry sighed in content, looking at his beautiful wife, "I'm happy this is how things turned out. After so long without a family, I have one. One I can protect and will always be there for." Harry grinned, kissing Ginny with their children still in their arms, Hames simply watching curiously.

"Oh Harry, you're still quite the romantic." Ginny teased.

"I can't help I was awkward. We both were." The pair smiled lovingly at each other and then at their kids. They were happy, and they had every right to be. All of what they had, took years of suffering to achieve, and they wouldn't change a second of it.


A/N: this may sound weird and all, but I don't 100% like Ginny's character for personal reasons (though I love love love the actor) and i really don't ship Ginny and Harry like I used to.

I hope you enjoyed! Remember, I won't be able to post tomorrow since I'll be out of the country until 10pm so.... yeah. Night!

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