Second Generation ~ Storm Part 2

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"They look so peaceful." Teddy sighs, glancing at the others who were now asleep. Savannah and Scorpius were asleep on one of the three gold couches in the basement. Julia and Albus are cuddled together, well, Julia was holding on to Albus tightly, subconsciously. Alex was holding Lena in his arms, and Lena rested her head against his chest. James and Claire were also crashed on a couch. James held Claire close and Claire was snuggled into him. Ann and Rose fell asleep next to each other, cuddling books. Of course. Chase and Ryan fell asleep back to back.

"Yeah." Victorie smiles at them.

"Should we use magic to send their parents a message saying they're fine?" Teddy questions.

"We can't, remember? I mean, name one spell we can use that will reach every one of their parents."

"Oh, right. Guess we just have to wait for the storm to let up." Teddy says.

"Yeah." She responds.

"You should get some sleep. It's getting close to midnight. The day sure goes by fast." Teddy suggest with a slow get smile.

"Goodnight. I love you." Victorie plants a kiss on Teddy's cheek before crashing on the last open couch. Teddy kept listening to the radio.

~Next Morning ~

Everyone was waking up, yawns filling the large room.

"Is the storm still not over?" Savannah groaned.

"It's not." Teddy says tiredly, bags under his eyes.

"Hey, get some sleep." James says. Teddy gets up and walks to a couch and Drops like a deadweight onto the couch, falling straight asleep.

"Hey Savannah, isn't today your birthday? July 17?" Julia and Claire ask together.

"Yeah. You guys were staying over so we could celebrate, remember?" Savannah smiled.

"My birthday is at the end of this week." Katie adds.

"Once the storm let's up, we can eat cake and celebrate." Scorpius says.

"Well, we have board games. Anyone want to play monopoly?" Savannah questions.

"The devil's game, let's play." Alex laughed.

"I'll be banker." Savannah said. All of them sat down and got their prices. Scorpius sat out to be banker as well. They played for hours when the rain stopped.

"You guys hear that?" Ryan asks.

"It stopped raining! Wake up Teddy! Time to eat cake!" Chase shouted. Ann and Rose woke Teddy up and everyone ran upstairs, abandoning the monopoly game. They ran straight to the kitchen where a large chocolate cake awaited them.

"Happy birthday." Many adult voices said. Every single one of their parents had arrived. Well, besides Teddy's because, you know....

"Did you all just get here?" Julia asked.

"Yeah. As soon as the rain stopped, we arrived by floo powder. We wanted to make sure you were all okay and we also had cake so...." The Harry Potter said. They met very parent before, the kids I mean. They spent so much time together that the shock of meeting the boy who lived faded out over time.

"What are you waiting for? Happy birthday and dig in!" Lily's voice squeaked. She caught a cold, so she didn't stay for the week. She must have gotten over it because she was here. Everyone grabbed plates and laughed and joked. That day was a good day.


A/N: That was part two. Read part one if you haven't already. Any suggestions on what I should do next or who I should ship next?

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