Fred and George ~ Best Friends

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A/N: no incest is going on here you sick minded people. This is just a one shot that will most likely end sadly. Anyways, to anyone who was confused last one shot. Harry and Ron got hit by a car. Harry went into a small coma, Ron died immediately. When Harry woke, he had a day left to live, and Hermione visited.

Oh, before I forget, I'm planning to start a new work called 'Random Fandom One Shots' and if you want it, tell me. It will have all my Fandoms in there in little one shots. Anyways, to the story!


"Can someone hit me with a broomstick?" Percy groaned as he sat next to. His brothers, Fred and George.

"Hey! Don't be like that Percy!" The twins said together.

"If you two are in Gryffindor, these next years of Hogwarts are going to be torture." Percy groaned.

"It's too bad Percy." George smiled.

"Yes, too bad." Fred added.

(Fast forward to third year, or Harry's first year)

"Is that Harry Potter?" Fred questions.

"Think Ron knows?" George replied. The two brothers shrug their shoulders and paid the two a visit.

(Next year)

"Is it just me, or does all this trouble start when Harry comes to Hogwarts?" Fred questions, throwing a snowball at George, who throws one right back, hitting Fred in the face.

"Can't blame him. Hey look, here comes that Malfoy kid. Ready, aim, fire!" The twins launched snowballs at Malfoy, one hitting him in the groin, the other in the face.

"Who threw that!" Malfoy growled, barring his teeth. The twins pretended it never happened.

"So, who do you think is controlling the basilisk?" Fred and George question each other.

"Well, not Harry, despite the fact he can speak parsletongue." George shrugged, Fred agreeing.

(Next year)

The twins eyes glint mischievously as they held the blank parchment.

"Shall we give this to Harry?" Fred smirked.

"We shall. And we shall make a little note on the incident with Malfoy." George laughed.

"Indeed dear brother." Fred snickered as they made their way to Harry, who was watching everyone leave for Hogssmade.

"Fred, George, what are you two doing?" Harry questions, trying to get past them.

"We thought you might want to sneak off to Hoggssmade," Fred started with a smirk.

"So we though you might want this map." George finished, showing Harry the map and how to use it.

"Thank you so much!" Harry exclaimed.

"Oh, and the map does see everything. We saw that 'incident' with Malfoy." The twins smirked as Harry's ears turned pink.

"Oh. Please do not tell anyone about that!" Harry begged.

"We won't. Promise." The twins laughed.

(Next year)

"Your hair is white." Fred said to George, sitting on a hospital bed.

"So is yours." George remarked back.

"Here you go. Now don't try that nonsense again." Madame Pomfrey told the twins, handing them a yellow sludge of a liquid that tasted like beeswax. It just had to be chunky.

"We won't. Ick." Fred chocked at he drank the sludge.

(Next year)

The brothers stood back to back, projecting their pratronus, all their happy memories standing right behind them. A blue light escaping both of their wands as their matching patronus appeared.

(Let's skip to after Fred died)

George saw the light hit Fred, his voice hushed, but a scream rumbling in the back of his throat and escaping his lips as he fell to the ground crying.

"It should've been you!" George screamed at Percy, who looked guilty and pained, his eyes on verge of tears like George's.

"I know." Percy sunk to his knees and hugged his brother. "It should've." Percy sighed. George cried, for Fred's lifeless face gelded the ghost of a laugh, the eyes glassy and blank, but the glow still there. That was the most sickening part. Fred's body was still and cold, pale and frigid. No blood ran to his fingers or head, it stopped.

Fred held all of George's good and happy memories. But, with Fred gone, George will never be happy again. The one eared Weasley wanted to tear apart the death eater who did this, but someone beat him to it. George knew that he would never be able to produce a patronus again, not without Fred.

"I'm sorry." Harry choked as Fred sobbed. The battle wasn't even over, and George lost half of himself. His best friend was gone. His best friend was gone.

(19 years later)

"I miss you Fred." George whispered as he laid a black rose on the gravestone, Angela leaving a white one.

"Come on George, we have to pick up the kids from the platform." Angela whispered, not wanting to see George cry.

"You know Fred, I sometimes hear you in my missing ear. Is my ear in heaven? That would make me smile alright. I miss you, so does Mum, Dad, Bill, Charlie, Percy, Ron, Hermione ,Harry, and everyone who ever knew you. We miss you." George said, turning away from the grave, the words on the stone to much for him to bear.

Here lies Fred Weasley
A beloved son and brother
A jokester at heart who had
his life taken from him
A smile on his face
even in death
"Mischief Managed"


A/N: This idea came to me when listening to music. Life is short and we need to live it. We might lose every last piece of us in a blink of an eye, so cherish what you have.

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