Draco x Harry ~ Birthday Boy

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A/N: me and InstagramGirl3 made a mini story after in of my one shots and well, we both agreed it would make a perfect one shot. Sooooooooooooo, I just had too. It's not gonna be word for word, but close enough

Also in this, the 2nd generation exists, but both Draco and Harry divorced their wives, won the kids, and married each other. This is over the span of some time, but you get what I mean.

I also portray Harry and Draco still looking quite young until their fifties or so if you consider their genes. Like, honestly. I didn't like the portrayal of how they looked when they were parents in the movies. I'm sure they'd still look quite young.


"Sit still would you?" Draco mumbled as he placed stick notes on Harry.

"What are you doing Draco?" Harry sighed.

"Covering you in sticky notes claiming you as my property." Draco informed, sticking a stick note to Harry's shoulders.

"Why?" Harry huffed.

"So I can send a picture to that whore Weaslette." Draco snorted.

Harry paused, "Draco no!"

He only smirked back, "Draco yes!"

"Draco, she'll take back the kids." Harry groaned looking at him. Draco shrugged, rolling his eyes.

"I'd love to see her try. That cheating b-"

"Okay I get it!" Harry interrupted.

"Besides, it's my birthday, can't you do this for me?" Draco pleaded sweetly.


Draco moved closer to Harry, pressing his lips next to Harry's ear, "if you give in, I'll let you do whatever you want on your birthday." Draco purred.

"A-anything?" Harry blushed.

"Yes anything! You perverted Gryffindor!" Draco groaned, pulling away and continuing to stick sticky notes to Harry.

"Fine. I'm holding you to that promise." Harry smirked.

"I know you will." Draco smiled. "I can't wait to see the kids faces when they see you like this."

"They're never going to let me forget this." Harry sighed.

"I think your still as attractive as always Harry." Draco complimented.

"Did you just put a sticky not on my dick?" Harry asked, a single bright yellow sticky note on his jeans where his dick would be.

"I should put more so it doesn't look out of place!"

A few hours later, Harry left their shared bedroom, with Draco right behind him, laughing his butt off.

"Dad, why are you covered in sticky notes? And why do they all say 'Draco's property?' Because you look funny." Albus commented.

"Because it's your father's birthday and this is somehow something he wants." Harry sighed.

"You're quite a site." James snickered.

"How old are you turning father?" Scorpius asked Draco.

"I'm thirty seven this year. Your dad will be the same in a few weeks." Draco informed.

"You still look as young as ever." Teddy smiled.

"You didn't tell me you were visiting teddy!" Harry happily walked over.

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