Hermione x Cedric ~ Sick

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A/N: I really didn't know this was a ship, you guys really surprise me. Requested by @StaceyStonier

This will take place when they're adults and basically Cedric didn't die. Obviously.


Hermione coughed a bit and leaned against the window as the rain poured outside. She hugged her shoulders to try to feel warmer.

"Hermione, what are you doing? Get back in bed!" Hermione briefly glanced back and an exasperated Cedric.

"The rain looks really nice." Hermione coos as Cedric walks over.

"Hermione, you need to take better care of yourself.l he places his hand on her head. "Seriously, you're burning up!" Cedric sweeper Hermione off her feet and carried her bridal style back to her room. He gently set her down on the bed and tucked her in, getting wet rags from the bathroom.

"Why don't you just use a spell to make me better?" Hermione snapped a bit in her sickened state.

"You remember what the doctor said, we can't use magic for this." Cedric sighed. "It can't just be this cold that's making you crabby."

"Ginny and Harry are already expecting their first kid, Ron and everyone else is married and I'm still left behind." Hermione complained, looking away from Cedric. He smiled a bit and grabbed her hand.

"Hermione, you don't need to force yourself to get married to be happy, or to stay with the others. You're beautiful, and you move at your own pace. It's why I fell for you." Cedric grinned.

"You're just flattering me." She grumbled. He laughed a little.

"I'm not. You'd know if I was. Now lay down and let me take care of you. I hate to see you so sick." Cedric hummed.

"Fine. You're right." Hermione pulled up the blankets further.

"I'm going to bring up the soup I made." Cedric kissed Hermione's forehead before he put a wet rag he grabbed from the bathroom and left,

Hermione laid there, her face in a pout. She was simply wondering why Cedric hadn't even thought of popping the question. Every time she brought it up, he steered from the topic and changed it. They've been dating since the run in Cedric and Harry had with Voldemort. They were both lucky to survive.

"You can sit up now." Cedric walked in carrying a tray and some soup on jt. He set it in from of Hermione. "Eat up."

"This smells like there's magic in it." Hermione noticed.

"It's a potion that helps when your sick, so your less miserable." Cedric shrugged, sitting besides the bed.

"I thought the doctor said no magic." Hermione reminded.

"Well, even though potions are magic, there are certain types that are like muggle medicine. Those don't qualify as magic. So the doctor said." Cedric informed. "You must really be sick if you don't remember that. You're the smartest girl, no, smartest person I know." Cedric complimented. Hermione smiled.

"You're so cheesy." Hermione laughed softly.

"I know. You still love me, though." Cedric grinned.

"Sod off." Hermione said jokingly.

"Get some sleep after you eat. I love you." Cedric grinned.

"I love you too. Since I love you so much, why don't you propose sometime?" Hermione prodded.

"Give it 27 days." Cedric grinned and got up.

"Huh! Wait, that's Valentine's Day!"

"Or am I lying?" Cedric teased as he got some more wet rags.

"I knew you had at least thought about marriage." Hermione remarked.

"Of course. Who wouldn't after dating you? You're the worlds prettiest girl." Cedric informed.

"There's prettier." Hermione scoffed

"Maybe, but all those girls got nothing on you."

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now eat up and go to bed!"


A/N: it may be a bit shorter, but I like the concept of just a couple bickering while one is sick. Idk. Anyways, hope you all enjoyed! I'll see you, in the next one shot!

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