Percy x Oliver ~ Written Words (Soulmate Au)

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A/N: first off, probably pissed a lot of fellow fans of Harry Potter because for some reason, god knows why, I thought Percy was a year younger than Oliver.... Guys, they were born in the SAME year and the SAME month. And another thing that came as a shock... Percy is OLDER than Oliver. By 9 days.

Also, thank the lovely @IntagramGirl3 for this idea and the next one shot idea. She is the amazing women that got me to write Percy x Oliver in the first place and you guys fell in love with it!

And @IntagramGirl3 because both boys were born in August, I'm changing up the rules of your request a bit, hope ya don't mind too much.

Also warning! Mildly mature content! Mostly just really hands on snogging!


Soulmates are a tricky thing. No one ever knows if they'd even find that special person. No one knows their race, their gender, no nothing. It's frightening. Even more so when after your 15th birthday, words start appearing on you ur arm, describing your souls mate. The words build up until they all disappear and a name replaces it. The name of their soulmate.

"Oliver, what's that on your arm?" Harry questioned when Oliver rolled up his sleeves. Oliver raised a brow and saw Harry was talking about the words.

"You see Harry, when a wizard turns fifteen, their soulmates personality, looks, talents, all of that start to appear on your arm. They build up until one day it's wiped away and replaced with your souls mates name." Oliver informed.

"That's cool! What's your soulmate like?" Harry asked, sitting on the edge of the bench.

"Well, I still don't know their gender, so let's assume it's a she. But she's smart, a Gryffindor, a bit Snarky, Loyal, and they come from a big family." Oliver even showed his arm, showing there wasn't much listed.

"You and Percy have pretty close birthdays, I saw his arm and it only had a little bit more." Harry hummed.

"We were both born in August." Oliver informed.

"That's cool! I wonder who your soulmate is! Maybe we know them!" Harry smiled giddily.

"Maybe lad. Just maybe." Oliver smiled, looking at his arm as a new word popped up.

Soon to be prefect

Oliver raised a brow at it but didn't understand who it could be. The only upcoming prefect he could think about was Percy. No way.

"Let's head back inside Harry." Oliver suggested.


Percy looked at his arm with furrowed brows. The words seemed like a jumbled mess.



Pure blood

Well built





And Percy watched a whole new word appear on his arm.


Percy gulped and pulled down his sleeve frantically. Who was his soul mate? Why was he a male?

He moved back to the dorms in a flourish, running straight into two people as he rounded a corner. He would've feel to the ground if Oliver didn't catch the boy.

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