Marauder Era ~ Forever And Always Best Friends

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A/N: Not a ship this time, though I can see it happening. Anyways, this will be about the Marauders. Let's go.


"Good job today Prongs." Sirius said to his best friend after the game.

"Thanks. I'm glad I'm seeker. Remember when I was a chaser?" James questions.

"You were a pretty good chaser." Sirius laughs.

"I know." James laughed.

"Good game today Prongs." Remus said. Peter said the same.

"Thanks. So, full moon tonight, same as always?" James questions.

"Yup." Remus says. The four walked back to the Gryffindor dorms. It felt good being a seventh year.

~James And Lily's Wedding Day~

"Congratulations you two. We always new you would end up together!" Sirius exclaimed.

"I thought you said it was a lost cause?" James questions jokingly.

"Okay, so we didn't expect it to ever happen." Remus says.

"I know. Thanks for being my best man Padfoot." James said.

"No problem Prongs. We're best friends after all." Sirius said. They smiled at each other, knowing it's true.

~A Couple Months After Harry Is Born~

"You're kidding? I'm his godfather?" Sirius asked with shock.

"Yes. Lily and I agreed you should be Harry's godfather." James smiled.

"You don't realize how much of an honor that is Prongs." Sirius said, hugging his best friend. James laughed at Sirius.

"You are the same old Padfoot." James said.

~After The Death Of James And Lily~

Sirius saw the large man.

"Hagrid, please. Let me take him. I'm his godfather." Sirius begged.

"I am 'fraid I can't do that. Dumbledore's orders." Hagrid said, his voice thick and deep.

"Fine, than take my motorcycle, it will get you there faster. Keep him safe, please. He's all that I have left." Sirius said softly.

"I promise nothing will 'appen to 'im." Hagrid says.

~After Sirius Dies And FallsThrough The veil~

"Welcome home Padfoot." A familiar voice says. Sirius looks to see James, a halo above his head, standing next to Lily, smiling at him. Sirius ran to James and Lily, and hugged them, not holding back his tears.

"I'm so happy to see you guys." Sirius cried.

"Hey, don't cry." Lily said.

"Yeah. And Sirius, thank you for protecting our son." James said.


A/N: what did you think?

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