Harry x Ginny ~ Let The Wedding Bells Ring

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A/N: Thank you for the idea @--Books_Are_Life--

Also, I'll be doing this for a few characters of cannon relationships that happened in the books.


Ginny fumbled with her fingers, butting her lip.

"Can you believe it Ginny? I believe you're one of the only people I know who got to marry their celebrity crush." Hermione chuckled, smiling at her friend.

"It's just that, Merlin, I love Harry and I'm so nervous I'll mess this up." Ginny frets.

"Gin, you are one of the most bad ass woman I know. You won't mess it up. Besides, Harry has made a fool of himself a plenty of times." Hermione grabs Ginny's hands. "Look, you two were made for each other. You love him, and he loves you. Don't fret." Ginny smiles at Hermione.

"What did I do to deserve a friend like you?" She asks softly.

"You were yourself. I never met someone who was so comfortable with who they were. " Hermione informed, she let go of Ginny's hands and placed them on her bare shoulders. Why did Ginny pick a sleeveless dress again? Because they were beautiful. "And if Harry ever mistreats you, tell me and I will kick his sorry ass."

"I can't believe soon we'll be sisters." Ginny smiled.

"I know, it's hard to believe I said yes to Ron's proposal." Hermione laughed lightly.

"Hermione, be honest, how do I look?" Ginny asks. Hermione looks into Ginny's bright brown eyes.

"Gin, you're bloody gorgeous." Hermione sighs with a smile.

"Is the bride ready?" Molly peaks her head into the room.

"I am mum." Ginny smiles.

"Wonderful. Hermione, dear, you can take your spot, Arthur will walk her down the aisle." Molly smiled.

"Maid of honor has to report to her duties." Hermione joked, hugging Ginny and leaving the room. Ginny looked into her full length mirror one last time. Her bright red hair curled and falling down to her shoulders, face now hidden by a white veil. Her dress tailed slightly behind her, the waist down was loose and flowing, glittering like stars in the light, the waist up hugged her body, showing off her curves. Her nails were painted white, her lips a pale shade of pink, mascara on each eye. She truly looked beautiful.

"There's the bride." Ginny's father walked into the room, Ginny merely smiled. "Nervous?" He questions.

"Terribly." Ginny admits.

"It's okay to be nervous. I was on my wedding day. Granted, we followed wizard wedding guidelines, and not muggle ones." Arthur muttered.

"To be perfectly honest, I think that's what makes it better. Not many people do this. Especially not two wizards." Ginny laughed softly, sounding sweet.

"Ready to see Harry?" Arthur asks gently.

"Yes." They walked downstairs and towards the entrance to the tent. Little teddy was the flower boy. He was wearing an adorable little tux and his hair was bright red. He had this weird affiliation with looking like the Weasleys. Ginny smiled at him as the five year old walked down the aisle, throwing flower petals and glitter. That was a bit of an added touch.

When Teddy reached the end of the aisle, Ginny and Arthur started walking. As soon as Ginny saw Harry, his back faced away, she knew she wanted to marry this dork. It was customary for the groom to not look at the bride until she reached the end of the aisle. Ginny grazed the audience, catching sight of two muggle a that gave Harry hell. Petunia and Dudley, but they were smiling at Ginny, happy that Harry was marrying such a beautiful young lady.

Also among the audience was Draco and Astoria. Draco and Harry had made amends and became good friends since the three years the battle has been over. There was the entire Weasley family, minus Fred. The entire family still grieved his death, but the pain had slightly lessened over time. George and his wife smiled at Ginny as well. Everyone they had known had come.

Even professors were there! Hagrid and McGonagall were there of course. Merlin knows what it would be like if they weren't. Hagrid was tearing up and McGonagall smiled sweetly, shaking her head slightly. She always knew the pair would get together.

Neville and Luna were there, holding hands as Ginny neared the end of the aisle. Dean and Seamus were there! The cute couple had gotten engaged a week prior to the wedding. Ginny reached the end of the aisle, Harry finally allowed to look at her.

His breath hitched, Ginny looked beautiful. He lifted her veil and smiled. Ginny marveled Harry's looks as well. The scar was slightly faded, still ever present, his glowing green eyes staring at her glowing brown. His raven hair was combed to perfection, his round glass perched perfectly on his nose. His smile melting her heart. His suit making him look quite fit, hugging his body. They held hands as the priest, ok, not a priest, rather Arthur, began.

"Ginny Weasley, do you take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He questions.

"I do." She sighs with content, dreamily looking at Harry.

"And Harry, do you take Ginny to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Arthur asks.

"I do, with all my heart, I do." Harry grinned. This continued, sickness in health, bla bla bla. They said I do to it all.

"Now, is there anyone here who objects to the marriage of these two people? Speak now or forever hold your peace." Arthur asks the guests. This was met with sweet smiles. "Exchange rings." Teddy, who was also the ring bearer, brought them the rings, the couple grabbed them, and slid the rings onto each other's fingers. "You may now kiss the bride."

Harry leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ginny's. A happily wedded couple now. It was a sweet and short kiss, the guests clapping at the newly weds. They pulled apart from each other, still not believing they're married.

"This is it, we're finally married." Ginny whispered.

"And I'm glad we are." Harry whispered back.

"Who's ready for some cake?" Molly asks everyone. All the guests got up as the chairs were now made tables, Ginny and Harry going over to the cake to make the first slice. With their rings glittering on their fingers, their lives would never be lonely again.


A/N: What do you guys think?

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