Pansy x Ron ~ People Change

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A/N: requested by the wonderful @xBeautifulAngel   Hope you all enjoy.


It was a flurry of change.

"Ron, I'm gay." Harry huffed.

"Wait, what? Aren't you dating my sister?" Ron asked.

"We broke up. She had her reasons and I had mine. After the war, Draco confessed and well, were dating now." Harry admitted.

"Harry, mate, I love you, just give me some time to think." Ron sighed.

"I understand Ron. You know how to find me."

"Ron, I think we should break up." Hermione suddenly spoke.

"What? Why? I thought you were happy?" Ron frantically asked.

"Ron, let's be honest, this was a mistake. I've given you a year and I just fell out of lot and not more in it..." she paused and then smiled sadly, "this is for the best."

Like that, Ron seemingly lost two important people in his life. With the mess his head was in, he decided to go clear his head in the three broomsticks after he visited his brother George.

"Oh, Weasley, what brings you here?" Ron looked up to see Pansy Parkinson. She was a waitress.

"Parkinson? How unexpected. Thought you'd be doing something else." Ron chuckled.

"You have no idea how many times I heard that. A relative of mine, kinda a relative actually, is going to Hogwarts so I started working here part time to hang out with her." Pansy admitted.

"Oh, what house is she in?" Ron asked.

"Hufflepuff. She's a docile soul. Anyways, what can I get you Ron?" Pansy immediately dropped the formal nature and tried to be casual.

"Just a simple butter beer." Ron smiled.

"Got it." She winked jokingly and headed off to get it. Ron laughed and waited. She came back quite quickly, but considering how empty it was, it made sense. She sat across from Ron after handing him his drink. "It's a slow day, so let's chat." She suggested.

"Sure. Did you hear about the Harry Draco thing?" Ron asked.

"Obviously. Draco's my best friend. He told me not to long after he and Harry got together. It's weird. But I'll support them." Pansy shrugged.

"I can agree with that. So you get with anyone after Hogwarts like everyone else seems to be doing?" Ron asked.

"Nope," she said, popping the 'p', "didn't have anyone I was interested in." She shrugged. "What about you and Hermione?" Pansy struggled to remember the first names of the golden trio.

"We just broke up. Apparently the love 'just isn't there' like it used to be or some bull like that. I don't put it against her, she's still an amazing friend. Just gonna be awhile before I can talk to her again." Ron admitted with a shrug.

"That's rough." The two chatted for awhile, getting along quite well, better than they had before. Obviously. Soon enough, Ron had to head home. "Drop by sometime." Pansy smiled as Ron left.

"You can count on that." Ron waved goodbye after paying for his butterbeer.

A few months can do wonders. Ron and Harry were still best friends after Ron got used to Harry and Draco, the. Hermione and Ron simply became good friends again and Ron even supported her new relationship with Krum.

Pansy dropped by his place a lot and sometimes Harry and Draco would be there and everyone had fun.

"Ron, I'm surprised you haven't asked why I became a death eater?" Pansy commented as they were in the middle of a game of Wizard's chest.

"Guess it never bothered me. Everyone had a reason." Ron smiled.

"Well, I joined because they threatened to kill Draco, my other friends, and my family. Sure my Family's not the best, but still, I was terrified." Pansy moved her rook to corner Ron's king. "Checkmate." She smirked as her room slaughtered Ron's king.

"Good game. And I understand that it must've been tough for you." Ron offered.

"The Mark is fading luckily. I heard that they'll all fade eventually, until there's no proof, but it's still an ugly reminder." Pansy sighed Ron reached out for her and cupped her face just barely, the table in the way.

"Don't worry about it. It doesn't define you. The you right now is who you are, not the you from Hogwarts. We all changed after the war, for the better or worse." Ron chuckled. Pansy smiled and held Ron's hand in place.

"You're going to give me false hopes Ron." Pansy sighed softly.

"Who says your hopes are false? I thought I made my feelings clear." Ron chuckled, pulling his hand away and getting up. He yanked Pansy out of her chair and held her close to him. Pansy was blushing, her face brighter than Ron's hair.

"We've been friends for only six months, how could you have feelings for me?" Pansy asked softly. "I mean, I helped Draco basically bully you at Hogwarts."

Ron cupped her face with both hands, "I just told you that doesn't define you. I like you, okay? Accept it." Ron kissed her. She was frozen, still blushing during the entire kiss, not sure what to do. Ron pulled away before she could respond.


"Learn to move forward. After all, people change and it just so happens to be for the better this time around."

"You idiot."


A/N: it's short, sweet and to the point. Unusual ship, but super fun to write!

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