Draco x Harry ~ Miraculous Ladybug Au Part 4

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A/N: the fourth and final part! So, enjoy!


"Hey there handsome." Harry joked as he walked over to Draco, waiting in front of the school.

Draco chuckled, "love the new confidence there Harry." Draco placed a gentle kiss on Harry's lips, and the pair headed inside, where Harry was immediately hit by a million questions. Draco got a few two.

"Is that why you're always leaving class early? Because you're ladybug?" Pansy asked.

"To put it simply, yes, so that Voldemort doesn't take over London." Harry hummed.

"Draco, how is it dating Ladybug?" Blaise asked his friend.

Everyone looked at Draco who smirked and glanced at Harry, "flexible." Harry flushed.

"Draco!" Harry exclaimed, smacking him in the arm.

"I told you they reached that step." Blaise turned to Ron and Hermione.

"Things I didn't want to know about my best friend." Ron huffed.

Harry rolled his eyes, "is it really that much of a surprise though?"

"Not really." Ron admitted.

Hermione looked at Harry, "do you know who Chat Noir is?" She asked.

"Of course I do. He's the reason Draco discovered my identity." Harry snorted.

"Didn't you confess your love for me to Chat?" Draco reminded.

"I'm going to slap him the next time I see him." Harry groaned.

Draco wrapped an arm around Harry, kissing his cheek, "he brought us together, didn't he?"

"Draco," Harry smiled, "if you keep talking, I'm punching him." Harry threatened.

"Wait, Draco, do you know who Chat Noir is?" Pansy interrupted.

He snorted, "obviously."

"Anyways, Harry, what's it like being Ladybug?" Luna asked, popping into view.

"Exhilarating! It also can be stressful at times, but I love it all the same, to save people." Harry smiled warmly.

"Aren't you doing some interview with Chat Noir later? I mean-"

"Yes I am Ron. We're both going to be in disguise, though mine serves no purpose anymore, not really," Harry finished.

"Why can't Chat just reveal as well?" Pansy complained.

"Let's respect his privacy." Draco pushed.

"You two know who he is though!" Pansy retaliated.

"So? He chose to let us know." Harry hummed, shrugging a little.

Then in walked professor Snape, who looked at the crowd surrounding Harry, "Mr. Potter is Ladybug, but he is still Potter, so please, stop crowding the poor boy." Snape sighed.

"Woah, since when have you grown a soft spot for Harry?" Neville asked suddenly.

"Longbottom, you do recall that Draco is my godson? And that Mr. Potter has had dinner with the Malfoy family? Gives us a chance to grow fond of him." Snape commented before going to his desk, causing everyone to scamper to their seats, Draco and Harry sitting together.

"So, how is it, having everyone knowing your identity?" The interviewer asked as Chat and Ladybug, more specificity, Draco and Harry, sat on a statue of themselves.

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