Draco x Harry ~ Mistletoe

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A/N:I'm making up a rule about mistletoe in this because the plot needs it and I just kinda like magic mistletoe.


Winter was there, at Hogwarts, filling the grounds with snow and covering all the rooftops. And with winter, came mistletoe. It used to be a normal thing at Hogwarts, nothing particularly magical about it, just decoration, but one year, someone enchanted the mistletoe so it would appear about two people who were longing, lusting, yearning after each other.

The mistletoe rarely appeared that way, since no pair seemed to long each other enough for the mistletoe to appear. Still, the rumor of the enchanted mistletoe made everyone curious. Another added charm is that if there was enough longing, an abundant amount of mistletoe would appear over the head of a yearning person.

"Really Hermione? Magic mistletoe?" Ron snorted.

"It's true! Someone actually enchanted the mistletoe!" Hermione defended.

"I doubt either of the two things you mentioned are going. To happen." Ron huffed. Harry stayed out of the conversation, eating breakfast and thinking about that idiot Draco.

Nothing out of the ordinary was happened.....

"H-Harry, there's a bunch of mistletoe above your head!" Hermione exclaimed. People looked over to see that indeed, mistletoe was growing at an alarming rate, above Harry's head. And Harry was on a bench by himself, his friends across from him. Harry groaned internally.

"And I've been thrown under the bus by an enchanted, inanimate object. Just great." Harry mutter sarcastically.

"Harry mate, you got your eye on someone?" Ron asked curiously, his eyes darting up to the ever growing mistletoe. Harry didn't respond, he just sighed.

"You look pained Harry." Hermione commented.

"Aren't I always." Harry snorted. He was in a bad mood. It was obvious he had no intention of letting up who he was yearning after. He didn't want to.

"Oh great, for Potter and now you!" Everyone turned to the sound where Pansy groaned, a mass of mistletoe forming over Draco's head. The blond haired Slytherin went slightly pink.

"This is the most active I think anyone has ever seen the mistletoe," Hermione commented softly.

"Wonder who that prick is yearning after." Ron snorted. Harry simply sighed.

"I'm going for a walk." Harry got up, not noticing that Draco was doing the same. The two both headed for the door, and consequently, ran into each other.

"Watch it Potter." Draco snapped.

"I should say that to you Malfoy." The pair glared at each other, people looking at the pair in interest. The mistletoe pair.

It was a rare time where none of the teachers were in the room to stop their squabbling, but it seemed that the magic mistletoe likes to make things embarrassing in the biggest possible way.

As the two glared at each other and the teachers filtered in, a bundle of slightly different colored mistletoe started growing, lowering itself to be just above the boys' heads.

The pair didn't notice at all, but everyone else did. They were speechless. They simply didn't say anything, even the teachers were shocked as more and more mistletoe seems to grow, and the two were oblivious to it.



The two looked over at their respective best friends who gestured up, the pair looked up to see heaps of mistletoe. They were frozen still. They looked at each other, jaws opened in shock.

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