Draco x Harry ~ We've Got Chemistry (AU)

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And did I mention smutt?  There will be smut in this one my lovelies, and if you're not into that, skip over this one shot, or go re-read a tamer one until my next update.


"I want to go home...." Ron groans.

"Ron, it's only first hour. It's Ceramics, the first class of the day." Hermione raised a brow.

"Doesn't mean I like Friday mornings.... the days are shorter, it feels like the sky is always dark." Ron sighs and tries to make penguin with his clay.

"Ron, you're hopeless." Harry chuckled.

"You can't judge me when you get F's in chemistry." Ron snaps.

"What does that have to do with anything Ron?" Hermione asked

"Harry like Malfoy, they have Chemistry together. They're also lab partners and that's the only thing Harry can get an A on." Ron informs, giving his little penguin a beak.

"But why Malloy? He's arrogant, vile, cries, and picky..." Hermione made a sour face.

"Well, I don't know. Being next to him give me butterflies. I don't think it's love though." Harry limply smoothed out his clay snake, the serpents head staring at him.

"If it's not love, than I'm not a ginger." Ron mumbles.

"That's a bold statement Ron." Hermione replied with a shock.

"I'm staying With Harry's family for the time being since my family is out of town. Do you know how much he has talked about Malfoy in the past two days alone? I feel 100% ready to strangle him..." Ron sighs.

"Ron, lower your voice, we're in class after all." Hermione hushed.

"The only other people in this class are Ginny, George, Fred, Neville, Dean and Seamus. They don't care." Ron grumbled. "I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry." Hermione pinched Ron.

"Bloody hell 'Mione! What was that for?" She ignored him and smoothed out the clay feathers on her owl. Above and beyond as usual, that girl.

"What am I even supposed to say to him? His family obviously doesn't like me much. At least our families don't get along much. My Mum and his mum get along pretty well, but our fathers...." Harry slumped a bit.

"Aren't your parents going out of town tonight? Ask Malfoy to tutor you. Confess your feelings." Ron offered.

"Why is it only now your so kind Ron, and not when I told you about this originally?" Harry asked.

"It's kinda hard to get used to your friend liking a ferret." Ron smiled a bit.

"Class is almost over, I'll tell you guys how things go at lunch." Harry informed, determined to finally be brave.


"Potter, how bad are your grades in this class? Your face went pale when we got our test back?" Draco questioned, peering at Harry's paper.

"I just blank." Harry admitted.

"I could tutor you if you want?" Draco offered.

"That would be great. Thanks. How does my place sound? It's really quiet over there." Harry offered.

"Okay I guess. I'll meet you by your locker after school." Draco wrote his number on a piece of paper and handed it to Harry.

Lunchtime (a/n: so many time skips;;)

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