Severus x Lily

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I have @Not_YourAverageGirl to thank for this. She is awesome!


"Severus, you and Lily will be partners." Slughorn says. Severus glances over at Lily. She was smiling at him. The two sat down together and worked on the draught of living death potion.

"The instructions are wrong." Lily and Severus say together. Severus pulls out his journal and scribbles the right instructions down.

"Come on Severus, let's put everyone else to shame." Lily said. The pair nodded and quickly make the perfect potion.

"You think this is good?" Severus asked.

"We're the two best in the class Severus, it's perfect!" Lily said excitedly. Severus chuckled.

"Someone has a lot of energy." Severus tells her. Lily just smiled as Slughorn came to examine their potion.

"This is perfect! I've never seen a better draught of living death potion!" He exclaimed. Everyone glared at the pair. Well, James just glared at Sirus. When class ended, Lily and Snape walk to the library.

"You know Severus, I like your hair like this. If your mother tried to cut it, it would be a crime." Lily said.

"And your eyes are beautiful." Severus says. Lily blushed.

"You're the kindest person I've met." Lily kissed Severus on the cheek. Severus started to blush.

"You're redder than a tomato!" Lily giggled.

"You mean as red as your hair?" Severus corrects.

"Exactly." Lily said.

"I've been wondering Lily, would you want to go out with me sometime?" Severus asks. Lily smiled.

"I'd love to." Lily said with a large smile. A large smile covered Severus' face.

"Lily, would you like to go out sometime?" James asked.

"Sorry James, but you're an bully and Severus already asked me out. James looked crushed as Lily and Severus walked to the library.


Probably not my best one, but I still love it. Hope you love it too! Sorry if it's short.

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