Petunia x Vernon

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Petunia moved away at 18. She was tired of living in the shadow of her perfect sister. She was a freak and nothing more. Petunia was working as a secretary for a company. She loved her completely normal job. One day, a man came in. He was chubby and had pretty much no neck. For some reason, Petunia was attracted to this man.

"I'm Vernon Dursley. I'm here for the job interview." He told me. I nodded and picked up the phone.

"Sir, a man named Vernon Dursley is here for a job interview." Petunia said.

"Send him up." A gruff voice responded. She put down the phone.

"He will be waiting to see you now." She said calmly. Vernon went to the interview and Petunia sat there. The mail man came with some mail. What else would he bring?

"Miss Evans, this letter is for you." The mail man told her. She took the letter and opened it.

'Dear Petunia,
you met James. I know you two don't get along, but you're my sister. James want to make amends. You don't need to accept, I know you don't really like me. But, just consider it.
Lily '

Petunia put the letter in her bag. The man She had saw earlier walked in.

"Looks like we'll be working together." Vernon said.

"Glad to hear it." Petunia said.

"You're extremely beautiful, I know we just met, but would you like to get a coffee sometime?" He asked.

"That sounds lovely." Petunia says.

"Great!" Even though they didn't have some special magical encounter like her sister, or any wizard, Petunia thought she might get her happy ending.


So, again, thank you @Not_YourAverageGirl for the idea. And I did manage to find fan art for Petunia and Vernon.

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