Harry x Draco ~ Bloody Bent For Who? Draco Malfoy Of Course!

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A/N: before I began, this is my OTP. I love the ship and everything. Just bringing it up.


Draco sat at the Slytherin table, stealing glances at the Gryffindor table. Every time he glanced at the table, Ginny was flirting with Harry. Soon, Draco felt sick to his stomach. Maybe it was the fact he hated Ginny, the fact that he loved Harry, or that he never seen people flirt before.

"I have a headache, I'm just going to head back." Draco said. His minions nodded as he left the great hall. Harry on the other hand was disgusted that Ginny was flirting with him. To Harry, Ginny is like his sister.

"Ginny, just stop. I don't like you in a romantic way. Stop flirting." Harry told her. Ginny frowned.

"Why?" Ginny pouts.

"Two reasons. One, you're like my sister. Two, I'm gay. You might have known that if you paid attention." Harry said.

"You're gay?" Ginny asked.

"He came out last week." Ron said nonchalantly.

"Yeah. Everyone in Gryffindor knew. Now you do too." Hermione said. Harry saw Draco leave the great hall.

"Well, bows my chance guys. See you later." Harry says.

"Good luck mate." Ron said.

"Maybe he'll say yes." Hermione said. Harry left and went to follow Draco. Draco was walking to the Library.

"Malfoy!" Draco heard. Draco stopped in his tracks and turned to face whoever was calling his name surprise covered Draco's face as he saw Harry Potter approach.

"Are you talking to me Potter?" He asked.

"Yes, who else is in this hall called Malfoy?" Harry said sarcastically.

"Where's that girlfriend of yours?" Draco asked.

"I don't have one. Why would you think I would have one?" Harry asked in complete confusion.

"Ginny is always flirting with you. I just assumed. And you're also Harry Potter, the boy who won't bloody die." Draco says.

"I don't even like girls Malfoy." Harry said plainly. Draco's eyes widened.

"You're gay?" He asked. How did he not know that? He knows everything!

"Came out last week. Turns out Ginny didn't get the hint and I just told her. She has the brain the size of a snitch. Wait, you wouldn't know the size of that, would you?" Harry joked.

"Shove off Potter." Draco sneered.

"Sorry. I actually came here to ask you something." Harry admits. Draco was intrigued.

"What is it Potter?" Draco questions.

"Would you like to go out sometime?" Harry asked. Draco stood there for a minute, and Harry took that as a no.

"I should've realized you weren't gay. Just forget it." Harry says.

"No! Don't go! Of course I'll go out with you. But of all the people to be gay for, you're gay for me?" Draco said.

"Wait until the media finds out about that. Harry Potter is gay? And bloody bent for who? Draco Malfoy of course!" Harry shrugged.

"Never really thought about that. But yeah, I'll go out with you Harry. Believe it or not, while you're gay for me, I'm gay for you. Probably should come out to my peers soon....." Draco said.

"Great! The trip to Hogssmade will be our first date! I'm glad you said yes, I would've gone crazy if you said no." Harry admits.

"I'm just glad you cleared up the whole Ginny thing. I don't really like her. Scratch that, I hate her." Draco said.

"Draco, if we're going to date, you have to learn to be nicer to the people I hang out with. If you do that, I'll be a bit nicer to the people you hang out with." Harry told Draco.

"Got it. Besides, you're friends aren't that bad. Granger, I mean Hermione is actually the smartest witch I have ever met. Weasley may not be that bright, but he a loyal friend." Draco said.

"Yeah, scratch that two. He's my best friend, but he sure isn't that loyal. Let's agree on that." Harry said. Draco laughed. It wasn't cold and cruel, but happy and filled with amusement. Harry smiled at Draco as the pair headed towards the library. This was the start of something beautiful.


A/N: I won't be able to post for the rest of today or tomorrow. I will be busy and will not be able to have access to technology.

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