Draco x Harry ~ Miraculous Ladybug Au Part 2.

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A/N: I'm not writing that long ass name again. Anyways, here's part 2!


"Hey Harry, you and Draco have gotten close lately." Ron commented as Harry jotted down notes.

"Yeah, after I stopped freaking out over him, it was really easy to hang out with him." Harry admitted.

"Good for you. You going to confess?" Hermione asked.

"Eventually." Harry lied. He technically already did, the pair just wasn't  dating yet. Well, they kinda were. But at the same time, they weren't. They said they were dating, but they never did anything together in fear that people would find out.

"Harry, would you like to maybe come over for dinner at my place?" Draco asked suddenly one day as they munched on homemade cookies.

Everyone kinda froze, and just stared at the two, "sure, why the sudden invitation?" Harry hummed.

"I always come by your place and your family knows me pretty well. I'd like my family to meet you." Draco reached over and grabbed Harry's hand, causing him to blush.

"You're too cheesy." Harry nudged.

"Hold up, the hand holding, the blushing, are you two dating?" Sirius boldly asked them.

"Not the way I wanted to tell you guys, but yeah, we started dating about a month ago." Harry admitted.

"Well, okay then. Draco, break his heart," Lily calmly walked over to Draco, a book in her hand, with the same calmness, she slammed it to the table, right next to Draco's hand, "I break you."

"Lily, you scare me sometimes." James commented.

"I know!" Lily grinned, leaving the book there and returning to the store, everyone just watching her go.

What a woman.

"So do you want to stay over as well? I got a lot of video games over there and Blaise and Pansy suck at them." Draco suggested.

"Sounds fun. Hope your family won't mind." Harry commented. As soon as he said it, Draco's phone rang, Draco checked caller I.D. Then smiled, answering it, then putting it on speaker.

"Mum, you're on speaker, what's up?" Draco asked.

"Oh, nothing much, thought I'd ask you when you're coming home for dinner? It should be ready soon." His mother hummed.

"Soon, mind if I bring over a friend to stay the night?" Draco asked.

"Oh! Is this tha-"

"Mum!" Draco blushed.

"Ah, he must be next to you then. Sure, I'd love to meet him! See you soon sweetie!" His mother laughed softly.

"See you soon," Draco disconnected.

"Your mum seems nice." Peter commented.

"Yeah, she's great, can't bale to save her life, but she's pretty awesome." Draco grinned.

"Oh, we should bring some cookies!" Harry suggested happily.

"We'll get some, why don't you and Draco pack some stuff if you're staying over?" Remus suggested.

"Right! Come on!" Harry grabbed Draco's hand, the pair rushing upstairs.

"The mother sounds nice, but I don't know about his father..." James sighed.

"Prongs, he's your son, he can handle anything thrown at him, besides," Sirius placed a hand on James' shoulder, "we're not to far away. We can rescue him if needed."

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