Harry Potter - Gender Swap

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A/N: so, this should be fun. The names are going to be close to the original's, sooo, if you don't know who the gender swapped person is, just ask!

Oh yeah, this will also be short. Just a short sappy one shot about friendship. Somewhat.


Long flowing Raven locks, curled oh so delicately with wide jade eyes, a little button nose, and nice round glasses perched on her nose. Hailey Potter.

When she tries at least.... most of the time, her hair is an absolute mess that she can't tame.

"Hailey, are you having an inner monologue again?" Hailey's best friend, Rae asks. Rae raised a brow at Hailey, her short ginger hair falling in her face.

"No. Just thinking about how this is the first time in awhile my hair looks decent." Hailey pretended to sob.

"What are you two doing?" Henry asked, a messy haired brunette friends with the two.

"Hailey's fretting over her hair again." Rae informed.

"Hailey, you look great, stop worrying." Henry sighed.

"Easy for you to say." Hailey informed.

"What's going on?" Deana leaned over, her Black hair falling gently over her shoulder.

"Hair." Henry shrugged.

"Boring!" Deana exclaimed.

"Fine, fine. I'm going to take a walk. Either of you coming with me?" Hailey asked Rae and Henry.

"Yeah sure. Hopefully we don't run into Malfoy." Rae grumbled.

"Maybe." Hailey hummed. The three headed out of the great hall.

"Where are you three going?" The three were stopped temporarily by Gin, Rae's little brother. He was devishly handsome.

"For a walk!" Hailey smiled sweetly.

"That's fun. You look good today Hailey." Gin commented casually and walked into the great hall. Hailey blushed a little.

"He's only fifteen! That flirt!" Hailey groaned.

"You're crazy." The three continued their walk. They catheter about useless things as they walked. Classes, and such.

"Potter, I see you're still an absolute disaster." A feminine voice snickered. The trio turned to the voice, seeing another trio, one who donned the green emblem. The one who spoke, her hair cascading down her shoulders gently, looking like angel feathers, and her eyes like melted silver, was Hailey's rival, Draculina.

"Oh, did you come here to be extra again Malfoy?" Hailey remarked. The blonde Slytherin simply smirked, shrugging.

"Maybe Potter. Unfortunately I don't have time to pick a fight with you right now, so maybe another time." Draculina smiled, and walked away.

"That no good Slytherin-" Hailey groaned.

"She pisses us off too Hailey," Rae assured.

"Let's just move on." Henry suggested.

"Yeah, let's just move on." Hailey agreed.

"Well, we have one thing on the prat, we all have been in more relationships than her." Rae hummed happily.

"I don't think I can count Cho as a relationship. My thing with him was very short lived." Hailey puffed.

"I mean, I dated Victoria for a bit fourth year, but that ended as well." Henry reminded.

"That means that I'm the only one who's in an actual relationship?" Rae raised a brow.

"Yes, with the brainless boy with a weird name." Hailey snickered.

"Lavador. It sounds so close to Labrador." Henry smirked.

"No, you're kinda right. It feels like he's only after my body sometimes. All we do is snug and I don't know, I want more than that." Rae huffed sadly.

"You'll find someone better, but you should break things off with him if he makes you feel insecure." Hailey suggested.

"I know. For now, let's keep up our walk." The continued to walk and got outside, walking towards the lake.

"I wonder what things will be like when we leave Hogwarts." Henry spoke aloud.

"Will we even be able too? With the rise of Voldemort, I find it harder to believe that everyone will graduate." Hailey whispered sadly.

"Wow, what and optimist!" Rae joked sarcastically.

"I want to be optimistic, I truly do, but Cecilia fourth year, my godmother was year. She takes another life every year. Have you noticed? She wasn't really back before, so she couldn't kill anyone, and it's not even directly her.  It makes me worry." Hailey sighed, the trio finally reaching the lake, sitting near the edge.

"Hailey, we're all here for you, even when times get tough.  Me, Henry, Deana, Lukus, Belle, the twins, Olivia and Percia, Shawna, Nellie, Gin, Charlene, and so many more. We're here for you." Rae assured softly.

"Even if the war comes soon, we'll fight with you Hailey, Merlin knows how closely all of us are tied together now." Henry offered Hailey a smile.

"You guys are too good for me, I don't deserve you." Hailey pounced on them and hugged them. They two hugged her back and they were laughing nonstop.

The school may have been in slight chaos, unbeknownst to Hailey or the others, but in that moment, there was nothing wrong.

"Hailey, wherever you go, we'll follow." Rae smiled.

"We may get mad here and there, but we know you only want the best for everyone." The trio smiled at each other and got up, happily going back to the castle.


A/N: like I said, just a short one shot about friendship. Hope you enjoyed!

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