Harry Potter ~ What If?

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A/N: I'm sad to say none of you got close to what I was still g at, sadly. I also must apologize for the delay in posting. Things have been hectic. I'm dealing with teenage problems, typical. I mean, I have a serious crush now, it's so strange! Anyways, enough about me, I thought I'd do this I air you all think a bit. Just a bit about the characters. There will be one version, and it revolves around Draco and Harry. There will be drarry, it is my favorite ship. Anyways, let's get to it!


First Year

Harry looked at the blonde haired boy, and saw the regret in his eyes with the words he said.

"You don't look like you even mean it." Harry remarked. Draco stood their paralyzed and Ron and Hermione looked at him curiously.

"What makes you think that, Harry?" Ron questioned.

"A gut feeling..." Harry furrowed his brows and sighed. "Well," he grabbed Draco's hand, "if you promise it to be rude to my friends, than I see no problem with us being friends." Harry offered a kind smile and Draco stood there with a frozen face. He smiled softly.

"I guess that's not too much to ask for." The others around them were a bit shocked. Without words, they were herded into the great hall, standing in front of the sorting hat. Everyone was called up and sorted, Hermione and Ron in Gryffindor and Draco in Slytherin.

"Harry Potter?" The name stuck everyone's attention as they all watched the boy who lived walk up. Everyone stood with bated breath as Harry had the hat placed on him. He wanted to be with his friends, but it was hard considering the houses they were sorted into.

"I see a cunning young man, just like your father, but you differ with your aspirations. You don't crave power, nor are you very brave. You'll find your true friends in Slytherin." The hat whispered.

"I would like that." Harry mumbled.

"Slytherin!" The hat announced. The entire hall was quiet. Slytherin? The boy who lived was a Slytherin? How could that be?

"The first person to clap was Draco, he smiled at Harry and made room next to him. The others joined in and the entire Slytherin table welcomed him as he sat next to Draco. Hermione and Ron gave Harry a thumbs up from the Gryffindor table. When everyone was sorted, Harry was kind of a spectacle.

"I never thought you'd be in Slytherin." Draco admitted.

"I don't see the big deal. To be fair, i don't know much about the wizarding world." Harry informed with a shrug.

"Well, this might be fun?"

*Time skip*

"Harry, You're going to make us all late for Potions!" Hermione exclaimed.

"I can't help it that these staircases move!" Harry grumbled.

"We're almost there." Draco defended. The four ran into class and took their seats right before the bell rang. Snape just raised a brow.

"Get lost again Potter?" Snape questioned.

"I'm sorry professor Snape." Harry apologized. Snape gave a small smile. "Try not to take the stairs, you'll find it makes the trip much faster." Snape offered before beginning class.

"Snape is really nice to you." Ron groaned.

"He's my godfather, he should be nice to me." Draco complained.

"Ten points from Slytherin, ten points from Gryffindor. Pay attention." Snape remarked. The four straightened up and listened.

*time skip*

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