Percy x Oliver ~ Red String Of Fate (Soulmate Au)

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A/N: so this may be a bit rushed, but I wanted to post a one shot before I leave. I will have like, no free time tomorrow, which is sad because season 3 of Voltron comes out tomorrow and then I won't have internet access for the next eight days and I actually want to cry. HOW WILL I SURVIVE!!!

So yeah, enjoy this mess.

Also, for people who don't know about the red string of fate, it's a .... myth of sorts that everyone has a destined person, and their's a red string tied around everyone's pinky, connecting it to the person they love.  I'm currently reading a manga with that theme and I really love soulmate Au's, so I thought I'd write about it.


Percy always had this strange ability, and it seemed he shared it with no one else. He was able to see the red string of fate. It wasn't that he was completely in the dark about his abilities, for he once talked to his mum about it and she smiled at him.

"This Ability you have is very special. With it, you can find your soulmate, the person you're destined to be with." His mother gently picked up his left hand, and to Percy's surprise, she was able to touch the string.


"I can see them too. It's how I met your father. It's called the red string of fate, a Japanese myth involving soulmates. Though, I guess we're two examples of it not being a myth." Molly laughed softly.

With the information his mother gave him, he waited desperately for the day he'd find his soulmate. He knew that everyone found their soulmates at different times, as the string would connect when they were close and stay connected long after.

So Percy went through life, watching people date their soulmates and not their soulmates. He had originally planned to keep his powers a secret, but he occasionally slipped up.

"Thanks for tutoring us Percy, we'd be lost without you!" Harry sighed heavily, thanking Percy.

"It's seriously not a problem." Percy smiled. He had taken time off of work to tutor an old friend of his and his brothers.

"This is Draco! He's a friend of mine and he'll be studying with me." Harry gestured to the other boy. The blond haired boy drummed his fingers on the table. He noticed that his string was connected to Harry's. Against his will, Percy spoke.

"Huh, never would have thought your soulmate would be a guy." The minute he said it, both boys blushed ridiculously.

"W-what?!" They screamed.

"S-sorry, I should explain. I have this ability to see the red string of fate. When two people are connected by the same string, it means they're soulmates and well, your string is connected to each other." Percy rushed, explaining it. The boys blushed once more.

"So, you're not pulling our leg?" Harry mumbled.

"No! My mum has the same ability!" Percy assured.

"Well, don't tell Ron, but Draco and I started going out recently and hearing that, makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Harry admitted.

Percy smiled at the blushing pair, "I wish you two happiness. Now let's get to studying."

Besides his mum, Draco and Harry, no one knew about his abilities, and he kept hoping to meet his soulmate, his string frayed slightly. He had to wait longer.

As he reached the age of twenty six, he was giving up hope. His soulmate didn't seem to be anywhere near him, and their paths just weren't destined to cross.

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