Draco X Harry ~ Without You

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A/N: back to Drarry! Requested by @alllifeends !

No actual death. This may be a shorter one shot considering what I'm writing, or it may be three times as long.

Oh! Also, I've had enough. Guys, I love you, but please stop spamming in the comments. In some cases it's okay, but when it's only two people doing it on someone's comments, it pisses me off. Act like adults and play nice because I hate that shit. I'm serious. I may love you guys, but if you keep doing that, I will have to start reporting people and deleting comments. So for the love of Merlin, be civil.


"I have your back!" Draco exclaimed as he casted a hex at a death eater. Harry and Draco were in the midst of the battle of Hogwarts, faced with having to get Harry out of there to face Voldemort in the woods. Draco didn't like the idea, but he knew Harry wouldn't change his mind.

The few stranglers headed back to give the school time to collect the corpses of the fallen. Harry looked on the edge of tears.

"Harry, we should get you out of here before anyone has a chance to turn you over themselves." Draco suggested, a heavy sigh in his heart.

"I'm sorry I have to do this Draco, but it's the only way to save the school." No one knew about Harry and Draco's relationship. Everyone thought they were just enemies with common ground. The pair headed outside.

"I know you have to do this. Try to come back, okay?" Draco smiled, his entire face covered in dust from the rubble of the school.

"I love you." Harry pressed his lips to Draco's for a short kiss before he left for the woods.

"Please make it back." He whispered to himself and headed back to the great hall, in all its rubble.

"Malfoy, of you're going to just stand there, help us tend the wounded!" Ron shouted, and honestly, Draco felt a bit hurt, but it wasn't like anyone knew he wasn't evil.

"Sure thing Weasley." He rushed over to where Ron was and noticed Fred's body lying not to far away. He sighed softly and knelt next to wrong.

"I need you to bandage his head and look after him until madame pomfrey comes. We need to do something Harry asked us to." Ron informed. Draco nodded and Ron ran off with Hermione.

"I'm surprised you're in this fight." Neville commented as he gave Draco some bandages.

"I'm not as evil as everyone things. Besides, there's people I want to protect, and I can't protect them if they die in this war." Draco admitted, carefully bandaging up the person that laid between them.

"You have someone? They must be pretty special." Neville laughed dryly.

"Yeah, they are. I just hope they stay alive." Draco dropped his head and Neville went silent as the two waited for madame pomfrey. The minute she arrived, Draco got up and tried to Leo other people, but A lot of people were turning him away. He was a Slytherin after all. Neville noticed it a bit and felt sorry for Draco, but didn't do anything.

It didn't take long for clatter to come from outside and everyone grabbed their wands and rushed outside, seeing Voldemort himself, his followers, Hagrid and... Draco quivered at the sight. Harry Potter. He was dead, his body limp. Draco felt like he was going to vomit.

"This is your chosen one? He fell far to easily!" Voldemort snickered, his voice raspy and disgusting. "We caught him trying to escape Hogwarts! He was going to leave you all behind!"

"You're lying, our Harry would never do that!" Ron and Hermione shouted together.

"You put so much faith into a dead man." Voldemort scoffed, then he saw Draco. "Draco, come join us." Everyone turned to the Slytherin and Draco couldn't handle it, he fell on his knees, eyes welling with tears. "What's wrong with you boy?" Voldemort hissed.

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