Draco x Harry ~ Haters Gonna Hate

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A/N: Thanks @Kitterkatt for this idea. I dedicate this one shot to you. Stay awesome.


"Burgers? Really Harry?" Draco laughs. His smile reached his eyes making them sparkle. It seems like everything that happened last year faded from his mind.

"What, muggle food is delicious." Harry replied. Draco kissed the tip of Harry's nose.

"You're adorable." Draco says sweetly. They had already bought their food and were sitting in a booth, enjoying their food, holding hands. Suddenly, a man and woman came up with their child and spat in their faces.

"You two are going to hell!" The woman spat.

"Yeah, Fags!" The man hissed. Draco let go of Harry's hand and gripped the table, until his knuckles turned white.

"I'm sorry, but, we're trying to eat. Can you please leave us alone?" Harry said calmly, already used to the behavior.

"You're gay and going to hell! I feel ashamed of your parents for raising you." The woman snapped.

"My parents were murdered when I was one, his dad's in jail. Can you just leave us alone? We weren't bugging you." Harry still said in a calm tone. He didn't seem fazed, Draco on the other hand looked like he would bite their heads off.

"Mommy, daddy, we should leave them alone." The little girl pleaded. She shot the couple a sympathetic look.

"Not now sweetie." The man said.

"Fags are going to hell, you're sinners!" The woman shouted. They were attracting attention.

"One, been there, done that. Two, I'm pretty sure the only ones going to hell are murders. Lastly, have either of you read the bible? Have you? God forgives us for our sins. Jesus died for that purpose. Also, we're not Christian. We don't believe in God." Harry smiled, patting Draco's hand, making him relax.

"They're right. You two aren't even Christian as well. We don't believe in God. Also, I like girls, not boys. So what? We're still human." The girl said. Harry smiled at the girl.

"You're talking nonsense. We're going home!" The parents said.

"No! Apologize now!" The little girl demands. The parents looked horrified.

"Yeah, apologize." Other customers said that had been watching the exchange the whole time. The parents of the child looked at Harry and Draco.

"We're sorry." They said together in what sounded like a mumble.

"Louder." The girl says.

"We're sorry! Come on, let's go." They grabbed the little girl's hand and left.

"How are you so calm?" Draco questions.

"Why do you think me and Ron aren't friends anymore? He said the same things. Hermione talked some sense into him, but we're not friends anymore." Harry sighed. Draco reached across the table and grabbed Harry's hand, rubbing his them over the back of his hand.

"I guess I'm still not used to hate yet. I forgot you came out of the closet way before me." Draco says softly.

"While I was being gay, you were so far back in the closet, you saw Castiel and Dean in Narnia." Harry said with a face that made you know he was about to burst out laughing.

"I do not understand that reference." Draco mumbled. Harry smiled.

"You are to precious for this world." Harry laughed, leaning across the table and kissing Draco full on the lips. It was a quick and sweet kiss that made Draco's lips tingle.

"So, where shall we go next Draco?" Harry questions as they get up to throw their trash away. Draco thinks for a minute.

"My bed." Draco grabs Harry's hand and you can only assume what exactly happens when they return to Draco's home.


A/N: I hate homophobes so much. Gay couples are the most fucking cute thing ever! They're always adorable! Have you seen them? I want to hug them and scream, "You are to precious for this world." Sorry, I'm rambling on. Also, thanks for the 13 thousand reads! Or is it 14 thousand? Either way, thank you! I love you all! Let me give you all hugs!

I'm sorry if I'm sounding ridiculous, I had 3 whole bottles of doctor pepper. You know, those 3 litter bottles? I shouldn't have so much sugar!



Okay, that's a lie. SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'



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