Draco x Harry ~ Teachers (AU)

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A/N: um... I don't know why this idea popped into my head.... It just did, so here it is.  It also isn't much of an AU as it is..... you know what, nvm, read on.

P.s. I don't know anything about other countries school systems besides Japan's and Greece's (history projects) so this story takes place in America. Some interactions will be based on interactions I've had with my teachers (so sorry if the way they act towards their students is slightly weird to you)

Also.. *ahem*: WARNING, SMUT AHEAD!!!! (I'm gonna be making up spells for this part) also, slightly kinky shit. You were warned.

This is so not safe to be around family or friends, unless your friends and family are into this shit. It's like, 80% porn. No joke. The plot stops 800 words in.

"We went through the notes faster than I expected, so you have the rest of the hour to talk amongst yourselves." Harry Potter, the History teacher informed.

"Cool!" Some of the boys were already engaged in conversation, but the girls were looking at Harry. He was a young, attractive teacher after all.

"Why don't we ask you questions about yourself?" One girl suggested.

"I don't mind. I just don't answer questions about politics or my dating life." Harry chuckled.

"Rats. Mr. Potter, why'd you come to America to teach?" A female student asked.

"Oh, my and Mr. Malfoy are only hear for the year as part of some teaching program." Harry informed. One of the boys perked up.

"But don't you and Mr. Malfoy argue all the time?" He asked.

"It's expected, we went to school together ourselves." Harry admitted.

"And you went into the same profession?" Someone questioned.

"Our friends make fun of us for that." Harry laughed a bit. "Yeah. It's weird sometimes. Still, we've managed to be friends for so long."

"Talking about me?" Draco peeked his head through the door, his blond hair slicked back like it used to be in their schooldays.

"I was talking about how we've know each other since our school days. What are you doing here? Don't you have class?" Harry snorted.

"My class is on an all day field trip. All my classes are. I've been grading papers all day." Draco sighed.

"That doesn't explain why you're here." A female student questioned.

"Oh, Mr. Potter and I eat lunch together. We're childhood friends after all." Draco admitted.

"More like childhood enemies." Harry snickered.

"What do you mean Mr. Potter?" A student asked.

"We didn't get along at all, everything we did was a competition." Draco informed.

"It wasn't until our junior year that we actually became friends." Harry added.

"If you guys were enemies, what made you become friends?" A female student asked curiously.

"Oh, I remember. I nearly fell of a building and this fool saved me. That and we both dated the same girl and bonded over how pointless that relation ship was." Draco rushed.

"Not at the same time of course." Harry chuckled.

"It was basically bad luck that made us friends." The teachers chucked together.

"That's quite the story." A male student commented.

"I guess it is." Draco smiled. The school been went off signaling lunch.

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