A/N: News and Stories

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So, I thought I should warn you ahead of time that these dates I will not be able to post for the following reasons

This Friday, May 26:out of country

June 27-July 4th : out of state celebrating

Mid-late July (we don't 100%know yet) : family vacation

First two weeks of August (though may change) : I'm going to be in international waters and I'll have no cell service.

And I may be fine 1 full month due to a family vacation to Europe. Maybe. We still don't know.

And in other news!

All requests from now on should be sent through my DM's since it's a lot easier for not only me, but for you as well.

I will be taking a temporary break from requests starting this Saturday. I will do all the ones requested before then, but won't take anymore for a bit once Saturday comes.

I am starting 1 story for my readers who love to write called

The Daydreams Of A Writer

Which will be a collection of ideas for stories based on my weird imagination. It will make sense once you see it. Look for it Sunday.

Anyways in general as I discussed, I was sick the past week and only just now recovering. With finals coming up, I'll have less time to write so understand that. Keep requesting until the cut-off date (which is temporary)

I love you all and I want to make sure you understand my expectations for you as an audience.

No spam

No absuse

No ship bashing (I will delete the hate)

And no threatening me. Please.

Anyways, next update should be tomorrow. Look forward to that. Love you guys! Bye!

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