Draco x Harry ~ What Happened?

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A/N: time for awkward me to appear! There isn't smut or nothing in this, because I can not handle writing stuff like that. But I guess it can be called mature or something. Whatever. Let's just get this awkward experience over with.


Harry's eyes opened as he awoke from his slumber. His vision was hazy and blurry since he could not see without his glasses. He heard the shower running and yawned. His hand searched for his glasses and he found them next to a glass of water. Harry slipped the glasses on and saw Slytherin pride everywhere.

Harry sat up and the bed sheets fell to his waist. It took him a full minute to realize his lower areas and entire body was bare. He looked around the room and his eyes landed on his red boxers. He got out of the bed and slipped then on. The shower turned off. As Harry sat down, he tried to remember what happened last night. The last thing he can remember was pushing Draco against the wall angrily. Somehow he ended up in the Slytherin dorms. The door to the bathroom opened and Draco entered the room, a towel hanging loosely from around his waist. Beads of water ran down his pale body making him an almost godly sight.

"Oh. Hello. You remember what happened last night?" Draco questions casually.

"Nope. Makes no sense since neither of us were drunk. Well, I think." Harry said more to himself than to Draco.

"I kinda don't want to know. All I know is my lower areas are kinda sore." Draco admitted.

"Is it just me, or is this the first normal conversation we had since first year?" Harry questions.

"I agree with you there. We can never keep a conversation without acting like we want to murder the other. You should go take a shower." Draco says kindly. His voice was almost a soft purr. Harry nodded and went into the bathroom. While Harry took his shower, Draco was left to wonder what happened last night. The last thing Draco remembers was Harry pushing him against the wall with pure anger in his eyes, before his lips had met Draco's. From there, everything was a bit blank. No idea why. It was a Monday during the winter holiday. Snow heavy on the grounds of Hogwarts. The boys didn't know that since they were in the Slytherin dorms, which happened to be under the lake.

"I'm done with the shower." Harry said. Draco snapped from his thoughts and looked at Harry. Harry was wearing his red boxers and was dry, except for his hair and the occasional droplet of water. Draco's thoughts wandered to something quite dirty. His face heated up.

"Shall we solve the mystery of what happened last night?" Draco asks, trying to recover from his thoughts. Harry nods and sits next to Draco. Only two feet between them.

"I remember that I was angry at you. Not sure why. And I went after you. The last this I remember is shoving you against a wall." Harry recalled. Draco was confused. Why didn't Harry remember kissing him?

"The last thing I remember is the same thing. You shoved me against the wall. If only looks could kill." Draco chuckled.

"I doubt anyone drugged us. Maybe we're stoping ourselves from remembering since it was to embarrassing or something. I believe that's possible." Harry hypothesized.

"I guess that's possible. We must piece together clues from this room to figure out what happened." Draco said.

"You go first. Start from when you woke up." Harry said.

"Well, I awoke in my own room. I turned the opposite direction and saw you sleeping next to me. I almost screamed. I rolled out of the bed, being startled. It took me a minute to realize I had no boxers on, so I grabbed them and pulled them on. I got off the ground and felt a bit sore in my lower regions. I went to take a shower, and when u entered the room again, you were awake." Draco listed.

"Pretty much the same thing. Well, besides the soreness or waking up first." Harry said. They both got lost in thought, trying to figure it out, when realization came to Draco. His face burnt red.

"I just realized. Holy Merlin." Draco said. Harry cast him a glance.

"What happened last night?" Harry asked.

"I'm not saying. If I'm right, then their should be some evidence of it." Draco told him. He checked the covers and there he saw it, a wrinkled wrapper.

"What?" Harry questions.

"I lost my innocence to Harry fucking Potter!" Draco muttered under his breath.

"What ha-" Harry cut himself off, seeing what Draco saw. His face turned scarlet. "Oh." He mumbled.

"How did that even happen?" Draco questions.

"I don't know. But I think I remember kissing you last night." Harry admitted.

"Same. Merlin, this is embarrassing." Draco said.

"You know, you're quite cute when you get flustered." As soon as the words slipped past Harry's full lips, his eyes widened. He did not mean to say that to Draco.


A/N: I am an awkward turtle. Do you guys want me to do a one shot explaining what happened?

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