Percy x Oliver ~ Only Fools

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A/N: Idea requested by @newttscamanderr

Also, requests should be sent via dm's, and you have till the end of today, Saturday.


"Percy..." Oliver pressed his lips to Percy's in attempt to win the Ginger over. Percy pulled away.

"No! Oliver I have to study!" Percy complained.

"Percy, it's the final match for the year! Come on! Please! It will mean so much to me!" Oliver begged.

"You know how important my studies are! I'm sorry Oliver, I can't!" Percy sighed.

"Why is it always studying with you? You're already ahead of everyone! Why can't you support me, your boyfriend for once?" Oliver dropped his head.

"And you always talk about Quidditch! It's like that takes up your mind more than me!" Percy shouted.  The pair was silent.

"I don't know why we even thought we could work out." Oliver said as he ran his hand through his hair.

Percy looked away. "I thought the same thing. Let's do the both of us a favor and break up. Have fun at your dumb game." Percy snapped.

"Have fun with your studies in this old tower." Oliver marched out, slamming the door behind him. Percy's eyes started to water a bit as tears dropped down his face. He didn't sob as they fell. It was as if his tears were the only thing that gave away how he felt.

The pair had fights every now and then, but they never suggested breaking up, but Percy had to go and say it. Percy slammed his gusts on the wall and sobbed. The tears falling to down his face and pooling at his chin before dropping onto the ground.

Percy wiped at the tears frantically.

"Stupid Oliver, stupid school. Stupid Quidditch. Why do I have to be in love with a fool like him! Why?" Percy sobbed again.

Oliver was pretty bad too as he made us way to the game. When he got there, everyone could tell something was wrong. Harry took the risk.

"Oliver, what's wrong, you look like you want to hit something?" He asked. Oliver sighed and rolled his shoulder.

"Percy and I, just broke up." He informed. Everyone went wide eyed at the news.

"WHAT!" They shouted.

"Mate, why? You two were so in love!" Fred exclaimed.

"We fought about him coming to the game. I kept asking him to come and he kept saying things about studies and we just, blew up on each other." Oliver admitted.

"After the game you need to talk to him. You two were meant for each other." George pushed.

"If he cried because of this, we're blaming you. He's our brother after all." Fred grumbles.

"If I feel the urge to cry, he probably is. If our relationship was as good as you guys say it was." Everyone got ready in silence, not really sure what to say. The final match was really... the worse it could be.

Percy realized he was a bit of an arse. He said something he didn't mean. After splashing his face with cold water, he got up the course to go watch the game then after he'd apologize to Oliver. When he headed, the game had already started, so he joined Ron and Hermione in the stands.

"Percy, you okay, your eyes are a bit puffy?" Hermione asked, causing Ron to quickly glance over.

"I'm fine. Oliver and I had a fight, that's all. I need to apologize." Percy smiled.

Ron raised a brow,"why were you crying then?" He glared.

"Ron," Percy smiled," it really was my fault. Don't worry. Thank you for caring though." Ron looked dissatisfied with Percy's answers, but decided not to push it. The game raged against the Slytherins and seemed almost annoyingly long. Everyone cheered when Gryffindor got a point, though, a lot of people noticed the mood of Oliver.

"Harry Potter caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" With that everyone cheered.

"Oliver, look who showed up." The twins nudged Oliver to look in the stands, and saw Percy cheering, smiling. Oliver smiled. "Oliver!" Then something hit him on the side of his head before the twins could stop it. A rouge bluffer knocked Oliver off his broom as he fell thirty feet to the ground.

"Oliver!" Percy rushed down the stands and made it onto the gelid as everyone rushed to the boy on the ground. The Gryffindor team didn't know what to do. Percy knelt besides Oliver as soon as he got there. He checked all of Oliver's injuries right away.

Oliver smiled seeing Percy so worried about him. "Hey Pe-"

"You idiot, you broke your leg and your arm! A few ribs too! And don't get me started on your possible head injuries! You need to pay more attention! You could've gotten killed at that rate and you forgot to pay attention! What would I have done if you-"

Oliver, filled with joy, used his non-broken arm to drag Percy to him, kissing him sweetly and softly, lips fitting together like puzzle pieces. It was a make up kiss, an I'm sorry kiss, an I love you kiss. It was everything. The team smiled in relief. The two made up and everyone in the stands took a bit a shock that Oliver chose now to make out with his boyfriend, but it wasn't a huge amount of shock since almost everyone knew they were dating.

"Oliver," Percy pushed him away, "this is. It the time! Let's get you to Madame Pomfrey's so she can fix your broken bones." Percy sighed.

"Before that Perc. I'm sorry." Oliver smiled softly.

"You idiot, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't sorry too. We'll talk more after you're healed. Right now is not the time. I'm more worried about you than anything." Percy sighed.

"A short lived victory. Fred, George, let's drag this idiot to the medical wing." Harry groaned. Percy, Fred, George and Harry picked Oliver off the ground and delivered him to the medical wing.

"Oh, this will take no time at all. Better than when Potter had to regrow his bones!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed, casting some spells on Oliver's injuries as Harry cringed at the memories of regrowing his bones the previous year.

"No more pain." Oliver grinned.

"No vigorous activity for two days! Don't want to break your bones again." Madame Pomfrey ordered.

"We got it." The twins and Harry left as soon as they dropped of Oliver, so Oliver and Percy left together, holding hands.

"You know I didn't mean what I said this morning." Oliver sighed.

"Me neither. I love you, and I don't want to break up." Percy said softly. The pair stopped in the hallways and turned towards each other. Oliver grabbed Percy's other hand and looked at his sweetly.

"Neither do I. I love you." Oliver kissed Percy for the third time that day. It was short and sweet. "Let's go back to our room and have a bit of fun?" Oliver winked, making Percy blush redder than his hair.

"She just said no vigorous activity!" Percy exclaimed. Oliver pressed his lips to Percy's ear.

"Then why don't you service me? Or we find some other way to have fun?" Oliver whispered.

"Oliver!" Percy covered his face with his hands.

"So you up for it?" Oliver asked.

"Maybe." Percy grumbled. Oliver just chuckled and sweeped Percy off his feet, carrying the finer Bridal style. Percy blushed even harder.

"What if anyone sees us?" Percy asked quickly.

"They'll know I love ya." Percy pressed his face to Oliver's chest.

"You idiot. I'm a fool falling for you." Percy groaned.

"But you love me nonetheless."


A/N: I really like this. A short fight, quick makeup because this couple is adorable af and really can't be mad at each other long.

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