Dean x Seamus ~ Forrest

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A/N: I wonder when I'll stop writing these one shots... I'm almost at 200 and well, I wonder how far I'll go. Maybe I'll reach 1000 and new readers will hate, and love me for the stories. Oh well. Fluff!


There was a study hum as two idiots stared walking along a dirt path, both dressed in basketball shorts and tank tops, gold and red respectively.

The hum grew around them as the trees seemingly sprung up from nowhere, the further they walked. Still, the dirt crunched under their feet. It was quite a path they traveled.

The smaller of the boys, pale with his sandy hair thrown messily about, was holding a basket, humming happily. The taller of their pair, dark skinned with kind brown eyes and dark hair was smiling, carrying a basket himself.

"Can you believe this place is so close?" The pale boy asked, stopping in his tracks to look around.

"Yeah, just don't blow it up, Seamus." The taller boy teased. Seamus flushed and gave a little punch to the taller boys arm.

"You're so mean to me, Dean." Seamus complained.

"I'm only teasing. I'm glad this is nearby, like our own little getaway." Dean chuckled as he looked around. It wasn't a regular Forrest, the boys knew full well. The chunks of stone engulfed by wines and plants made it clear that at one point in time, there were people who lived here, but this Forrest...

Was magical...

Sure, one would think that wizards weren't surprised by trees being alive, the entire Forrest being alive, but the way it felt... it was something to behold.

The path they were on slowly started to wither way, but the trees showed the way, and they kept walking. The Forrest welcomed them, sensing something special about the pair.

Soon the grass under their feet turned to moss, and soon, that too turned to sand. Fine sand that was softly,, and it had a strange color. It was orange, and red, and yellow. It wasn't all three at once, it shifted, and the sand met water, a large freshwater lake looming in front of the two, with water so clear, it almost seemed as it wasn't there at all. It was only the morning sun reflected off the waters surface that gave it away.

"The view here is gorgeous." Dean smiled, setting his basket down.

"I personally think you're a bit more stunning, but the background adds to your beauty." Seamus grinned, setting his basket down as well.

"What am I going to do with you?" Dean chuckled, pulling Seamus closer, the pairs bodies pressed against each other, Seamus looking up lovingly at Dean. Dean smiled and leaned down, pressing his lips on Seamus'.

They were quite the pair.

It was a short kiss, but it was sweet. They happily pulled away and reached for Dean's Basket. The pair pulled out a large , red and gold picnic blanket out and laid it on the sand, close to the waters' edge. The laid down on the blanket, looking up at the morning sky.

"I wonder what happened to the people who used to live here?" Seamus hummed softly, moving closer to Dean, snuggling up to him.

"Who knows, but maybe it was a good thing they left. This place is almost untouched." Dean marveled, and Seamus liked the little glow in Dean's eyes.

"Want to skinny dip in the lake?" Seamus joked.

"We brought swim trunks." Dean snickered.

"Can't blame a guy for trying." The pair sat up and once again, reached in Dean's basket, pulling out two pairs of swim trunks and some towels. The pair quickly changed, sneaking glances here and there at each other.

They really didn't mind changing in front of each other since they weren't seeing anything new. They were roommates after all, and all of them saw more than they wanted to see sometimes. Sure, now that the pair were romantically involved, they  acted differently sometimes, but at the moment, they didn't feel any sexual love, but just childlike glee.

The minute they were in their trunks, they left their clothes on the blanket, and darted for the water. It rushed to welcome them as well, enveloping them in cold water. They didn't mind it as the got waist least, waist deep from Seamus.

Seamus, feeling slightly upset that Dean was still, for the most part, dry, smirked and scratched splashed him with water. Dean only smirked at Seamus' assault and splashed back.

For the next ten minutes, they were doing nothing but splashing each other with cold water. Still, their smiles gave away how much fun they were having.

"Dean, you don't play fair!" Seamus laughed as Dean tackled him, both of them falling in the water.

"It's more fun this way." Dean smiled, the pair staring at each other softly.

"I'm so happy I met you." Seamus whispered.

"We should get out of the water." Dean smiled, cupping Seamus' cheeks. "And I'm glad I met you too." They quickly got out of the water and dried off, changing back to their normal clothes, but leaving their shoes and socks off.

"So, I guess it's time to eat what we brought." Seamus suggested.

"We should. You made some surprisingly good looking food." Dean chuckled.

"Not everything I touch blows up, besides, I knew how to cook before Hogwarts." Seamus rolled his eyes and went to his basket, pulling out some sandwiches, fruit, among other things. Let's just say, he packed a lot of food.

The couple jokingly fed each other food before giving up and just leaning against each other as they ate.

"So, did you hear that Harry started dating Draco Malfoy?" Dean hummed, tossing a grape in his mouth.

"That must be awkward for the kids, but I'm glad he found someone after the divorce," Seamus chuckled lightly.

Dean smiled, "yeah, how long do you think they'll be before they get married?"

"I give it two years. A year and a half f they plan right." Seamus snorted.

"I give it two years as well. It will take awhile for people to adjust." Dean nodded.

"It took awhile for people to adjust to us." Seamus reminded softly.

Dean smiled, wrapping and arm around Seamus, two dazzling silver bands on his left hand, "and I don't think I could have a better husband." Seamus grinned happily and reached up to kiss Dean. Seamus climbed on top of Dean and pushed him down a bit, playfully.

"Slow down there, we're in broad daylight." Dean chuckled.

"Please, like that's stopped you before." Seamus joked.

"Yeah, you're right." Dean pushed up on his arms and kissed Seamus, "I love you."

"And I love you."


A/N: fluff! Anyways, I'm taking requests again! But remember, there are certain ships I won't write, refer to my author notes before you request something!

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