Percy x Oliver ~ Campus Troubles (High School AU)

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A/N: what? Come on, I fucking love this ship. I mean, shit, it's so fucking adorable. With Drarry I can do so much smut and it works, but with Perciver, you can't help but want to protect it!

Anyways, this request is from @MurdererintheBedroom (nice name btw) and they had a really detailed request which is pretty cool.

Just to warn you, the next one will be Percy x Oliver before I go to other ships. Though, let's be honest, this ship is ducking adorable. There is no one I'd ship Oliver or Percy with besides each other now.

Oh, I love this ship more than words could say.


"Well, see you later bro." The twins smiled and left Percy standing in place.

"They know this place as well as I do, why are they running off?" Percy sighed, looking at his schedule and the school map.

"Percy, we love you..... but I agree with them by parting. I think Harry's starting today too, bye!" Ron bounded off, quickly joining up with two other freshman he met over the summer. Percy sighed and looked up at the school, looking so obviously lost.

"You must be knew here." A voice chuckled. Percy looked towards the voice and saw a friendly looking guy around his age.

"Y-yeah. Me and my brothers just moved and today's our first day, though they all just up and abandoned me." Percy explained. The boy smiled softly at Percy.

"I can help show you around if ya like?" The boy offered.

"That would be amazing. I'm Percy." Percy offered his hand. The boy took it and gave it a hard shake.

"Oliver. I'm a senior." Oliver introduced.

"Funny you say that, I'm a senior too." Percy chuckled.

"Maybe we share some classes together." Oliver joked. The boys jokingly held their schedules next to each other.....

"You're kidding. We have all our classes together. And our lockers are right next to each other." Percy mumbled.

"This will be an interesting year, surely. Shall I show ya to your locker?" Oliver smiled.

"That would be lovely." The pair headed off to their lockers and Percy saw all his brothers at theirs.

"Wow. You made a friend. I owe Ginny fifty bucks." Ron commented.

"Come in Ron, I told you not to bet." A messy haired girl sighed. Hermione from what Percy recalled, and the other boy was Harry, as Ron mentioned.

"Like he'd listen. Come on Ron, we don't have the luxury of actually being in our section of the school. We have to hurry." Harry complained.

"In what world does it make sense to have a ninth grade building, then put all of their lockers in the main building?" Ron complained as the trio walked off.

"Interesting bunch." Oliver commented.

"Well Percy, good to see your in good hands. We'll see you at lunch." The twins marched off singing something about Percy and snogging. Oliver and Percy put their things in their lockers and headed off to their first class, advanced calculus.

"I have no idea why I'm in any advanced classes if I'm being honest, but if I get to have a class with you, I'll try hard to stay in the class." Oliver winked.

"You idiot." Percy laughed.

Classes seemed to go by in a flash and Oliver and Percy stuck together like glue. When lunch came by, Oliver and Percy sat together. They sat a table by themselves until their table was crashed by Percy's family and their friends.

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