Draco x Harry ~ Love Is, Dare I Say It? Love Is Love! (Au)

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A/N: for pride month because I mean, my one shots are pretty fucking gay. And I guess I technically am a part of the LGBTQ+ community since I'm not straight and I'm not gay, can't explain it. According to my friend I'm Sapiosexual which is an actual thing. I'm attracted to smart people.  Anyways!

This story isn't technically about pride 100%. It's about love of all sorts. Family love, romantic love and friend love. It's supposed to be sappy and sweet and it's not supposed to have any special meaning, it's simply a story about love. Not once did I have any characters that supported Harry and Draco's relationship, or even those characters themselves refer to themselves as, homosexuals, gays, or any of that. Because why should live have labels. With all this mushy shit out of the way, here's the story.


Harry jolted awake.

"Do you have spider senses or something? We're about to touch down." Draco snorted.

"Really? Oh Merlin, was I drooling?" Harry frantically wiped at his mouth.

"You moron." Draco rolled his eyes as Harry blushed. "So why'd your parents move to America anyways?" Draco questioned.

"They wanted to continue their careers here. They keep sending me money and I'm glad, but most college students don't have a million dollar monthly allowance or whatever amount of Euros that transfers to." Harry sighed.

"I do." Draco shrugged.

"Yes Draco, that's because you're a spoiled twat." People sitting net to the couple in the first class seats glanced over, a bit shocked at the conversation. The two paid no mind.

"You love me though." Draco winked.

"I made a terrible mistake proposing to you." Harry groaned. A slight bump shook the plain as it landed on the ground. The pair was able to get off the plane quickly and managed to grab their things.

"Isn't there supposed to be a car or something for us?" Draco questioned.

Harry noticed two people holding a sign in the distance. One with hair redder than pooling magma and the other way the the messiest head of hair you could ever see on a guy. "They're over there!" Harry grabbed Draco's hand and dragged the both of them over to his parents. He let go of Draco and bounded over to his parents, hugging them.

"How's our college graduate?" Lily asked sweetly as she hugged Harry.

James chuckled, "Lily, you're going to strangle him." Draco walked over, smiling at the three.

"You guys have an amazing relationship." Draco chuckled. The parents lifted their heads up smirking, tanking Draco into the hug.

"Who says you can escape the hug of death!" They were laugh by for a bit before they broke away.

"So I heard it was Harry who popped the question?" James raised a brow.

"He nearly made me choke on it because he put the ring in my bloody drink." Draco jokingly complained.

"It was my dad's idea!" Harry pointed.

"Oi, don't throw me under the bus! You should've asked for your mother's advice though." James joked.

"Let's head to the car before the driver leaves without us." They started the head out, attracting a few stares. Harry and Draco were no doubt attractive, with opposite appearances that only drew people closer. Then Lily and James were an attractive pair, goofy and still somehow serious and passionate. It was hard to look away. Especially when they got into a limo like car and drove off.

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