Hermione x Ron ~ Our Muggle Wedding

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A/N: remember a few one shots ago when Ron mentioned his wedding with Hermione? Well, here's the one shot to go with it!

Also, before I start, I normally don't give shoutouts unless their close friends of mine, but I really liked a set of one shots by InstagramGirl3 called "Daddy"

Like, I stumbled onto it by mistake and I fucking loved it!

So go give it a read, will ya? It's full of smut for all you smut loving readers.


An alarm kept ringing loudly as Ron groaned, sitting. Up in bed. He was a mess, a result of getting a few drinks with Harry and the others last night to commemorate his wedding with Hermione the next day. Ron heard the alarm coming from his phone and picked it up as it stopped, seeing that he had 10 missed calls and 50 texts. He checked the time.

"2:47 p.m." He read.... "Bloody hell! I'm late to the wedding!" Ron shouted, rolling out of bed and desperately putting clothes on, calling his best friend.

"Ron, where are you, Hermione's waiting with the others where brides normally wait. Hurry up!" Harry whispered into the phone.

"It's your fault for taking me out drinking last night. I'm getting ready, I'll be there in ten. Stall for time, will you?" Ron begged.

"You owe me big time for this." Harry sighed.

"What, you want my first born?" Ron remarked as he got his tux on, going to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his hair, doing things out of order.

"Very funny. Wizards have their way. Just hurry up. And if you're going to use magic, just show up in the bathroom or something. Love of Merlin." Harry sighed again.

"I'll be there in a few." Ron informed and hung up. He looked in the mirror as he prepared. He quickly fixed as much as possible. He grabbed his wand and soon enough he was there, hiding his want in his jacket and heading out.

"Ronald Weasley, where have you been? It's your own bloody wedding day!" Ginny exclaimed.

"I'm here now, I'm sorry." Ron apologized as he rushed passed her to where they were going to be wed. He knew nothing about the place since Hermione organized most of it, and considering it was in the muggle world, but he recalled something called an Alter being mentioned. Either way, he rushed in where Harry was standing already.

"What a lousy groom you are." Harry snickered. Ron rolled his eyes and stood next to Harry, and people seemed to relax, assuming he probably got caught in traffic or something.

Soon enough, a man started playing a wedding tune as the doors opened and in walked Hermione, accompanied by her father, a flower girl throwing flowers behind them. It was Bill and Fleur's kid since she was the only young girl in the family.

Ron almost dropped his jaw seeing Hermione. Her dress was, beautiful. It was slim fitting at the top, emphasizing her features, a light glittering lace wrapped around it as the lower half of her dress was more free flowing, trailing a bit behind her. It too was decorated in a glittering lace and it made Ron think of sirens music and magic, it ensnared him. A blue pendent sat on her throat, a light, pale blue that added to the glorious features of the dress. The veil she wore was older, but still made her as gorgeous to Ron as she always had been, and her shoes were new. They looked similar to heels with every price looking like lace that enveloped her foot.

She came straight from a fantasy, and Ron loved how she looked, and he couldn't see her face yet, just her lips, covered in a thin pink gloss. The guests were in glorious awe, she was beautiful. Stunningly beautiful.

She and her dad finished their walk and faces each other for a small second, both smiling as she left her father's grasp and went to Ron, smiling at him. He lifted her veil and took her hands. Her hands were soft and they held onto Ron's. The pair smiled happily at each other no one could deny that they loved each other, it was obvious from the looks on their face and just the love in their eyes.

It seemed that, for everyone, the vows and promises and I do's passed by so quickly, little Teddy Lupin bringing the rings was quick as well. No one objected to their wedding, and as the two exchanged their rings and traded their final vows, they waited for the words they wanted to hear.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Ron pulled Hermione close and kissed her, happily kissed her. They were married, they were finally married. Even if Ron showed up late, they still managed to get married. Everyone was clapping, and it was silent to them. All they cared about, was each other.

Later when they were listening to toasts, Harry had one to beat anyone else.

"I've been friends with these two since our first year at School together!" Careful to avoid magic and Hogwarts with muggles in the room, "since day one, I knew they'd be together, from the minute Hermione walked in. Of course, nothing would happen, we were only eleven, but as the year went by, jealousy and longing and love captured them. I never saw any pair happier when they were with each other," he chuckled, "so when Ron told me, that he and Hermione were dating, I smiled, and I felt the strong urge to hug him. You can only imagine my reaction when he told me they were engaged!" That caused a few chuckles in the crowd. "I'm happy for them, and with their marriage, I wish them both an eternity of happiness. You two will always be the closest friends I have." Every cheered at the end of his speech as he sat down.

"Thanks Harry." Hermione smiled.

"Thank you for tolerating us." Ron snickered. The day was beautifully perfect. and there was no way to change it.

"Uncle Harry, when did you get here?" Rose asked.

"Not to long ago. Came to give Ron something. Telling her about your wedding day?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. It was wonderful." Ron chuckled, putting an arm around Hermione.

"Got to say, you still have no idea what distraction I used." Harry smirked.

"What?" The three said.

"I proposed to Draco. We were already engaged but it worked. He like, half started laughing. It worked." Harry informed.

"You're the greatest mate." Ron smiled.

"I know I am. Anyways, here, straight from my house to yours. Draco heard it was Rose's birthday soon and thought she might like this." Harry handed Ron a package. Ron handed it to rose who opened it, finding a old, faded book. Se raised a brow and opened it, finding pictures of her parents at Hogwarts.

"How did he-"

"Don't ask." Harry chuckled. Rose happily looked at the pictures as they captured her parents.

"Tell uncle Draco I said thank you!" She giggled.

"No problem. I'll see you around." Harry left as quickly as he came.

"Ron, why does Harry have they key to our house?" Hermione questioned.

"I may have given a copy when we were out drinking before." Ron admitted.

"You giant oaf." Hermione chuckled and leaned into Ron as Rose looked at the pictures.

"What a wonderful night."


A/N: it's a tad short, I know, but I like it!

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