Lena x James ~ Mischief Makers

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A/N: Dedicated to my dear friend who is one of the most annoying, yet amazing friend I have.


"How are we friends again?" Fifth year Savannah asks Sixth year Lena.

"It beats me. I'm a Ravenclaw and your a Slytherin. I'm a muggleborn and you're a pureblood." Lena says. Savannah brushed her dirty blond hair out of her soft and golden brown eyes.

"Don't you think Scorpius is gorgeous?" Savannah questions.

"You are a helpless romantic Savannah." Lena sighs. She saw James Heading her way talking to his best friend Claire. Claire was currently dating Another seventh year Who was in Gryffindor . His name was Alex.

"Hey Savannah. Come on, I promised to help you study." Claire says. The fifth and seventh year walked away, leaving Lena alone with the gorgeous seventh year Gryffindor.

"How's Albus?" She asked awkwardly.

"Fine. Still friends with Rose, Scorpius, Savannah and everyone else." James said with a smile.

"That's good." Lena says. She was screaming on the inside.

"How are you friends with Savannah? She's annoying." James laughed.

"I have no idea. And she was supposed to help me with a prank." Lena said. She slapped a hand over her mouth.

"A prank you say? Can I help?" James asked.

"Sure. It was supposed to be played on everyone. It's a spell Savannah found that turns everyone's hair color to the mood they're thinking." Lena explained.

"Cool." James said.

"Well, I'm going to have to teach you the spell, so come on." Lena grabbed James' hand and they both blushed. They went to the library, ready to start being the next Fred and George.

Maybe even a bit better.


A/N: I'm sorry if this isn't my best but I'm at band practice and it's hard to concentrate! So, again, sorry.

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