Harry x Ron ~ Oops I Did It Again

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A/N: I'm almost at 8k reads! I never thought my one shots would get over 100 views! Thank you all for taking time out of your day to read!


At the moment, Harry was kissing his best mate. The ginger had fallen for Harry and Harry might have led him on. Harry don't want to give false feelings to Ron, but damn, was Ron a good kisser for a soulless ginger.

Ron has ran his tongue over Harry's lower lip and practically shoved his tongue into Harry's mouth. It was kinda to late to stop kissing him now. How does Harry keep getting into these messes? First Neville, the Draco, then Cedric, now Ron. He's done it again.

Harry's fingers tangled in the ginger locks he's come to love as Ron forcibly pushes Harry against the wall. Harry gasped for breath. Out of all the people he has been with, Ron was the best kisser. Ginny came to a close second. Gingers sure can kiss. Maybe because they're soulless? Nah.

A slight whimper escaped Harry's lips and Ron thought it was the most adorable sound he ever heard. He wanted to hear Harry make the sound again. Now, before you go thinking this is going to end with them doing the frick frack, it is not.

The next morning, as the sun rays shined into the room, making Harry feel warm and tingly. He looked at where he was and realized he was in a bed with Ron.

"Fuck, I did it again." He muttered. Being a hormonal 19 year old was not fun. A few years after the war and now this was what was happening. Harry slipped out of the bed, glad he was fully dressed for once, minus his shirt, and sat on the couch. He reached for the bookshelf and grabbed a book.

Hopefully, he'll be able to tell Ron that he didn't mean to lead him on without hurting his friend. Maybe he can try a relationship with Ron. He was a good kisser and he never felt this way about anyone before.

Yeah, maybe, he'll give this a try. As he thought about it, Ron stirred and sat up yawning.

"Morning Harry." He yawned.

"Morning ." Harry responded.

"Are we going to talk about yesterday? I know you've been with a lot of people." Ron muttered the last part.

"I'm willing to be in a relationship with you if you're willing too." Harry said.

"Well, I would love that." Ron smiled, starting to make a cup of tea.

"You're a good kisser you know." Harry said.

"I know, you talk in your sleep. Going on and on about how gingers are probably good kissers because we have no soul." Ron chuckled.

"Do I still sleep talk?" He questions.

"Yes. Need to work on that Harry." Ron says causally.

"Yeah. Yeah, I probably should." Harry responds.



A/N: Sorry it's short. I'm tired and I wanted to write before I went to bed. Night guys. Or morning, depending on where you are in the world.

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