Draco x Harry ~ Don't Leave Me

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A/N: I'm sorry to everyone who may not like this ship, but it is my Harry Potter OTP!!!!! I shall obsess over it. Funny story, I actually made a friend of mine hate Harry Potter because I talk about it to much. Um, oops? Also, this may be a sad one. There will be a death. I warned you. Anyways, to the story.


Draco looks at his hands as he waits for the nurse. He was holding back tears. After so many wonderful years together, his angel, just might return to God. Draco saw his golden wedding band and smiled.

What happened you ask? Well, Draco and Harry were getting ice cream. As they were walking home, a clearly drunk driver was coming full speed down the highway. Harry pushed Draco out of the way and the impact of the car put Harry in a fragile state.

Draco heard the hushed arguments and angry words come near. He looked up and saw Hermione and Ron. Their kids teenagers now. The hushed arguing between the now unhappy couple, Ron and Hermione, ceased when they saw Draco.

"Draco, what happened? You called and said something terrible happened to Harry!" Hermione exclaimed.

"He got hit by a car after pushing me out of the way. The driver was intoxicated and Harry is lucky to be alive. But-" Draco choked on the words.

"What's wrong?" Ron asks.

"He will either make it, or he's going to die." Draco whispered. He was broken. His Harry. His Scarhead.

"What?" Rose squeaked.

"I just can't accept its happening. But I wanted him to see you guys one last time if he doesn't make it." Draco admitted. Before anyone could answer, the faint clank of heels grew louder as a women came into view.

"Who would like to visit mister Harry Potter-Malfoy first?" The woman asked.

"You guys go first. I don't want him to see me crying." Draco said. They nodded. Tears were flowing down his cheek and he brushed them away.after half an hour, the Weasley family returned.

"Draco, go see him." Hermione whispered. Draco got up and walked to his husband's hospital room. Even though aging took a toll on both of them, Draco still saw the boy he fell in love with. He sat down next to Harry and grabbed his hand.

"Draco, they said I probably am not going to make it." Harry said sadly. Draco's eyes watered.

"Harry." Draco whimpered.

"I'm sorry Draco. I love you. I wish we had more time. But not everything lasts." Harry said, tears entering his eyes.

"Don't leave me. Please don't Harry. Please." Draco was crying now. Harry moved his hand to Draco's face.

"Draco, I'm always here." Harry placed his hand on Draco's heart. "I will never leave you as long as you remember me." Harry whispered.

"I don't want you to die. You're the only person I love and will ever love. If you die, I'll have no one. My father died in Azkaban, my mother is on her deathbed, I can't lose you too. Please don't die." Draco sobbed.

"I wasn't supposed to live past the age of one. I should've died at 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17. I met death and survived. I shouldn't have lived this long. What I'm saying is God does these things for a reason. I'm glad that I saved you from the car Draco. I'm glad I married you. I'm glad that I got to spend my last moments with you." Harry smiles. Draco looked at Harry sadly, and pressed his lips on his forehead.

"I love you Scarhead." Draco smiled.

"I love you ferret." Harry said. Draco had to leave. A few days later, Harry died. He was gone. The boy who beat Voldemort, the boy who conquered death, was vanquished by a drunk driver. A month later, a funeral was held. Everyone important to Harry and Draco were invited. Except Draco's mother, who had passed a day before Harry and funeral was a week earlier.

"Draco, do you have a few words to say?" Hermione asked sadly. The once extremely beautiful woman now had grey hairs and the sparkle gone in her eyes. Draco nodded and went to the front.

"I could stand here telling you all the accomplishments Harry achieved in the first part of his life, but I know Harry wouldn't want to be remembered that way. I'd rather tell you about how we met, something neither of had shared. Adore our first year of Hogwarts, we met at Madame burks who fitted our robes. He was already there and he entered. I didn't know at that moment, I would end up marrying him. I didn't know he was Harry Potter! Harry and I talked, and I left a bad impression. I hated that I did. Everything I had once believed, was wrong. I had tried to befriend him, and many of you remember, I didn't succeed. We had become enemies. I hated being enemies with him! It took a few years for me to realize I was in fact gay. And in our third year, Harry asked me out. From there, our fates were sealed. In our sixth year, after my father forced me to join the death eaters, Harry found out. He though I used him and left. It broke me for him to think that. Then, when he saw Snape murder Dumbledore, he also saw I didn't want to be what I was forced to be. A year. That's how long we went where we didn't see each other. It was horrible! But, we know what happened afterwards. Let's talk about his achievements after the war that no one bothered to recognize. He is a great godfather who raised Teddy Lupin well. He is an amazing Auror. Here I am, still thinking he's here. He was the greatest person I knew. He pushed me out of the way of a moving car, the driver was intoxicated. He risked his life just to save me. He is and was a great person. I will never forget him. I don't think anyone will forget him. He holds a special place in our hearts. Like the words Harry spoke to me, 'I should've died a long time ago, but God does everything for a reason.' I believe he is with God and all his lost family. With his mother and father, Sirius and Remus, Dumbledore and Snape, mad eye Moody and Cedric, Tonks and so many more. I like to believe that they are watching down on us. That is all I have to say." Everyone clapped with tears in their eyes.

Draco had lived the rest of his life as a healer and visited Harry's grave everyday. But, that rest of life had not lasted long. He had gotten in a car crash two years after Harry's death. On his deathbed, he could be heard whispering, "I see him. I see my Harry. I'm going to be reunited with him again."

Not all endings are happy. Fairytale ending don't exist. Anything can happen, and you're never prepared.


A/N: I cried writing that! I'm sorry! But it's true. As much as we wish it, fairytale endings don't exist and there isn't always a happy ending.

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