Draco x Harry ~ Rumors

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A/N: it is around 4a.m. As I write this. Dear lord.


Whisper by whisper, rumors spread. They tear down a reputation and break you. Well, most of the time.

"I heard a rumor that Harry Potter is gay." Lavender whispered to Pansy. Pansy went to spread the rumor even further.

"I heard a rumor that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are gay." She whispered to Dean. The rumors spread and spread, carful to avoids Harry and Draco.

"I heard a rumor that Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are gay." Luna whispered to Ron and Hermione.

"Well of course they're gay! Why would to straight guys date each other?" Ron said.

"Spread that rumor Luna. At least it's true." Hermione told Luna. Luna nodded and spread the rumor further and further.

"My hair is already a mess. Do you have to make it worse?" Harry groaned as he looked over at his boyfriend.

"Yup. Now come on. The rumor should have spread already. Lavender should have enough brain cells to spread it." Draco said.

Both boys walked towards the great hall, joking around. When they reached the hall, everyone turned to look at them. The boys were holding hands.

"So the rumors are true. They're gay and dating." A kid whispered.

"See you later Draco." Harry said ignoring the comment.

"See you." The boys separated and headed for their tables. Harry sat down.

"You two really helped with the rumor. So much easier to tell everyone that way." Harry said with a smile.

"No problem mate." Ron, the soulless ginger chuckled.

"So how are things with you and Draco?" Hermione asked.

"Great actually. I love him and he loves me." Harry said with a content smile.


A/N: yeah I know it's crappy and short but I'm tired and want to play Pokemon.

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