We're Not That Different (Cute little one shot)

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A/N: No smut in this one!!!!! This is just a cute one someone gave me the idea for!!!! It's an Au as well. I mean, you'll see in a minute.


Harry ran from his dorm down the stairs of the Slytherin common room.

"Woah! Slow down. Why in such a hurry?" Draco asked h with a smile.

"I'm off to meet my other friends. See you later Draco!" Harry rushed past and ran as fast as he could. Hermonie was leaving the Ravenclaw dorms.

"See you later Luna!" She exclaimed with a wide smile on her face, her hair a wild mess still. She walked out. Ron was leaving the Gryffindor dorms.

"I still can't believe you're friends with Harry Potter!" Dean said to Ron. Ron rolled his eyes.

"I'm friends with a Slytherin. Not a famous wizard. See you guys later." He said and left. All three headed for the Room of requirements from different directions. They had found it in their first year and go there to hang out. Harry got there first. Ron arrived second, Hermonie came last.

"Can you believe fifth year is almost over?" Hermione asks.

"I can't. Seems like just yesterday we walked in here for the first time." Ron said. The trio laughed.

"What are your plans for the summer? I'm going to be staying with the Malfoys." Harry said. His lips in a kind smile. No one really understood the trio. Hermonie was a know it all Ravenclaw, Ron was a thick headed Gryffindor, and Harry was a cunning Slytherin.

"I'm going to be immersing myself in my studies." Hermonie says.

"Figures. My girlfriend a Miss know it all. I'm just going to practice quiddich." Ron says.

"Our team still beats you guys every year." Harry laughed. Hermonie giggles.

"No need to brag." Ron groaned. The trio laughed.

"I do need to brag. Being a seeker is a big deal." Harry says proudly.

"So Harry, I heard Cho had a crush on you." Hermonie says. Harry rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, never happening. You both know I don't like girls in a romantic way." Harry says.

"Oh, right. Any luck with Draco then?" Ron asks.

"He's the most oblivious person in the world!!!!" Harry exclaimed.

"Sorry mate. Just keep trying." Ron says. Hermonie sees the time.

"We're going to miss dinner at in the great hall!" Hermonie squealed. All of them jumped up and ran out of the room of requirements. They all made it.

"Group hug?" Harry questions. They all hug before walking in and heading to their tables. The Slytherin talked about potion. The Ravenclaw talked about school. The Gryffindor talked about quiddich. The trio knew something big was going to happen. They always knew. For now, they hide their fears behind their jokes and their smiles.


A/N: what did you think? What should I do next? Just leave suggestions guys.

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