Harry x Cedric ~ It Started When...

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A/N: just a cute story. :p


Cedric was humming as he cooked breakfast, a body creeping from behind and hugging him.

"Harry, I'm making breakfast. Why don't you wake up Heather?" Cedric chuckled.

"She's getting dressed, let me hug you a little while longer." Harry mumbled.

"I can't cook if you cling to me." Cedric chided. Harry continued to hang on. "Okay okay." Cedric continued to cook pancakes and he finished making them by the time Heather, their adopted daughter, got to the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie." Cedric smiled.

"Morning. First day back from school and I'm exhausted." He complained.

"How is Hogwarts these days?" Harry asked, separating from Cedric.

She shrugged, "it's good I'm friends with Rose and scorpius." She informed.

"That's nice." Cedric smiled sweetly.

"Professor Longbottom is as he usually is, but he mentioned that you two got together during fourth year, well, Dad's fourth year and not Papa's. During the triwizard tournament?" She mentioned.

"Oh, yeah, we did. Nearly died too." Cedric chuckled. Harry elbowed Cedric.

"Don't joke about that!" Harry scowled.

"How'd it happen?" She asked.

"Well, it all started when......."

"Harry, Harry!" Harry blinked and saw Hermione was shaking him.

"What is it Hermione?" Harry questioned.

"Are you okay, you've been dazed since earlier?" She asked.

"Sorry. It's just, everyone seemed to turn against me after finding out I'm a champion. It's hard to grasp everything..." Harry sighed.

"It will take time Harry." She smiled sadly.

"At least you haven't turned on me yet." He chuckled softly.

She shrugged, "you've always been there for me. Time to return the favor." She then looked towards the door. "I'm going to try to talk sense to Ron."

"I don't think he'll listen Hermione." Harry ruffled his hair, sighing deeply.

"I'm going to try at least!" Hermione headed out, leaving Harry alone.


It was an all to familiar feeling to him. The dread of isolation that burdened him since birth. His relatives isolated him, then it was his fellow students, alienating him to a point he felt like there was no one but himself.

It was cold where he was.

He decided to take a walk, leaving the deserted common room and wandering the halls. He knew people were going to avoid him like the plague, so he tried not to feel hurt every time someone shifted their path when he neared. He just kept his head down and headed to the lake. A nice, silent place to be.

To his surprise, someone was already there.

"Cedric?" He asked, maintaining a distance. The Hufflepuff glanced back and smiled.

"Ah, Harry, why don't you join me?" Harry let out a sigh of relief and joined Cedric, looking off at the water.

"You seem to be the only person besides Hermione who isn't avoiding me." Harry informed softly as e looked out at the water.

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