Draco x Harry ~ When Angels Fall (Au)

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A/N: this was requested by the wonderful InstagramGirl3 and I fucking love her, she is wonderful! She also has a set of one shots called Daddy you should all check out, they're amazing! Take my word for it!

Because she requested it and I love her so(because she's so awesome), she will be in This chapter. Nothing major, just a guest appearance.



Heaven was a place almost exactly like earth, except all its residents had fluffy ass wings. The residents were allowed to go to the mortal world, were allowed to show their faces, but they were not allowed to interfere with fate.

Fate was an incredibly fragile thing. Dead souls tended to visit earth, but never showed themselves, instead they enjoyed how the world changed knowing they weren't there.

Angels were different. They stayed in heaven and visited earth mostly when ordered to.

"Draco! Play with us!!" Cammy groaned, pulling on Draco's arm. She was an angel, a beautiful one at that, her milk brown hair flew in the wind, the light of heaven illuminating her blonde highlights. Her brown eyes complimented her fair skin, and her full lips were pursed, begging for Draco to hang with her.

"I have to meet with god, you know that." Draco sighed. Like Cammy, he was fair skinned, with platinum blonde and mercury gray eyes. They were quite an angelic duo.

"Come hang with us afterwards, okay?" Savannah smiled from behind Cammy. She wasn't an angel, Se wasn't dead, and she wasn't a demon. A bit of all three. Her dark blonde hair suited her honey brown eyes, and like the others, she was fair skinned and her lips were pursed.

"Why don't you hang with anyone else?" Draco asked.

"Because you're blunt, and we like that!" Cammy grinned.

"Everyone likes sugar coating things. Run along now, you got an audience with the big man right?" Savannah smiled.

"Right. See you two around, don't cause any trouble." Draco waved goodbye to the pair and the girls headed off, probably to mess with some other angels. Draco himself headed towards God's building.

The building was the absolute center of heaven. It was on the lowest layer as well, surrounded by beautiful gardens and animals, it was a place to behold. The building wasn't even a building, simply a throne of sorts with the garden all around it.

"Ah Draco, I've been expecting you." Draco looked up at God, the man was sitting on his throne, human sized for now. His looks kept changing, never definite.

"Why is it that I have been summoned?" Draco asked curiously.

"Well, you're a guardian angel, not a regular angel, and I had yet to find you someone to protect. Well, today, I have your assignment." God informed, smiling.

"What?" Draco stepped back, shocked, "really?"

"Yes. You are being assigned to Harry Potter, who is now twenty one and attending university. You can either stay hidden and protect, or we can assimilate you into the school." God informed.

"Sir, shouldn't someone already be guarding him?" Draco questioned.

"Well, there should be. The last guardian angel resigned to be with their soul mate. So we need someone new to fill in." God admitted.

"What's a soulmate?" Draco asked.

"Well, it's your destined partner, the one to spend eternity with. All angels have one, and it's one of the few things I can't control. You'll find yours too, eventually." God smiled, looking at his garden.

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