Percy x Oliver ~ Take A Hint

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A/N: I have to thank @InstagramGirl3 for both the art and the idea. I don't think she drew the art, but I'm happy nonetheless.

Let's just jump right into this!


"Why so glum big bro? Penelope Clearwater got you down?" Fred and George hummed teasingly.

"What are you talking about? Penelope and I stopped dating after the whole chamber of secrets incident." Percy scowled.

"That what's got you down Percy?" Harry asked.

"It's nothing." Percy brushed off. "Shouldn't you get to practice Harry?" Percy raised a brow and Harry jumped up, along with Fred and George.

"Thanks for reminding us!" The three ran off faster than you could say quidditch.

"You and Penelope seemed quite happy though." Ginny mused as she laid her head in the table.

"It was mutual." Percy assured.

"Well, maybe we can help you find someone else!" Ginny giggled.

"Ginny, don't pressure him!" Hermione scolded. Ginny huffed.

"I'm going to do some rounds. Then I'll survey the quidditch field since all of us prefects and head boys/girls have to watch over Harry." Percy informed, getting to his feet.

"See you later Percy!" The girls waved softly and Percy left to start his rounds. Nothing was out of the ordinary, everything was perfectly fine. Though, he got an uneasy feeling passing professor Lupin's door. He shook it off and managed to get to the Quidditch pitch halfway through practice. He leaned against went to the stands and watched. His eyes were trained to follow Harry, but he wandered and started following Oliver Wood instead.

Unbeknownst to Percy, Oliver spotted him in the stands. He paused the practice and declared a break, pulling up besides Harry, Fred and George.

"I think he's here for you." Oliver suggested.

"Highly doubt it." George snorted jokingly.

"Maybe he's got a crush on someone here or something." Fred added, trying to be mocking.

"Honestly..." Harry mumbled to himself. Even though Harry was oblivious himself, he noticed everything not involving him. "Maybe you should go talk to him Oliver?" Harry suggested.

"I think I will." He patted Harry on the shoulder and landed on the ground, heading up to where Percy was. The twins had no idea what was going on at all.

"Don't know when they became friends." Fred shrugged.

"Practice is pretty much over, let's head back to the common room." Harry suggested. The rest of the team headed inside, everyone sure to stick close to Harry, leaving Oliver and Percy alone.

"You come here to watch often?" Oliver joked as soon as he saw Percy. Percy gave a small smile and a chuckle to go with it.

"Not really. As prefects we're supposed to watch Harry but well, he's fine." Percy explained.

"That lad is one hell of a seeker." Oliver laughed. Percy admired Oliver in all his beautiful glory. He may have been plain with maniacal brown eyes and short messy brown hair, but he was burly, masculine, and had the kindest and silliest of smiles. Percy admired him, Oliver's ambition and loyalty, and even though not many knew about it, Oliver was quite good a dueling.

"I still think you're the star of the team. You definitely try the hardest." Percy smiled.

"It's my last year here, I don't care if I have to glue Harry magically to that Broomstick, I'm determined that we'll win this year. We have the best team after all." Oliver grinned.

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