Ron x Draco ~ How Do You Love Someone

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A/N: so.... yeah.

A lot of people keep requesting Ron and Draco. It's probably my fault... I mean, that threesome chapters back probably encouraged some of you. Was it a threesome though?

Anyways, it starts with Drarry, because the theme. Very manga like. You'll understand if you read a shit ton of yaoi like I do.

Among other things I should never say again.


Draco woke up hearing the subtle breathing of Harry next to him. Draco and Harry were both covered in hickeys. The blonde haired Slytherin smiled and snuggled up to Harry, cheeks slightly flushed remembering the night before. He watched as the Gryffindor's eyes fluttered open and he looked at Draco, smiling.

"Morning." Draco smiled with Harry's husky voice.

"Morning to you too. We should get breakfast." Draco suggested.

"Yeah, we should." The pair got out of bed and got dressed, Harry seemed to take extra caution to hide the hickeys. Draco noticed, but it didn't seem too odd since their relationship was a secret. The pair ate breakfast together and Harry left soon after.

"Heading to the Weasleys. Be safe, okay. We may not live together, but it sometimes feels like we do." Harry joked as he kissed Draco and left.

The letter.

The dreaded letter with the cursive writing and deadly font.

You are cordially invited to the union of

Hermione Granger& Harry Potter

The wedding will be -

Draco couldn't read it all, he threw the invitation on the table and fell to his knees. It was only a week ago that he had Harry Potter as his own. How could this have happened?

He felt betrayed, broken and frayed. He got to his feet and walked to his room, falling in his bed. He cried, cried for as long as he was able.

"Thanks for coming Draco!" Harry greeted with a smile. Hermione was at his side, and the two acted like a loving couple.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. Hope you two are happy together." Draco smiled falsely.

"You've been a great friend since the war ended, in glad you could come." Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Like I said, I wouldn't miss it for the world."  Draco chuckled and the pair moved on to great the next guest, so Draco wandered, speaking to a few people here in there.

"Never thought you'd show up." Draco nearly jumped, but he instead turned around to face a slightly rugged Ron. The Weasley was wearing a nice suit with his hair slightly messy, a stubble dotting his chin. He held a glass of champagne in his hands.

"Why's that?" Draco questioned.

"Well, first off, it's a muggle style wedding, second off, you and Harry were a thing." Ron made sure only Draco heard the butt end of his comment.

"Yeah, wasn't it the same for you and Granger?" Draco retaliated.

"You're right. It's just sudden." Ron said with a heavy sigh.

"Yeah, I agree there. I never thought those two of all people would get together. I assumed the only girl Harry would go for was your sister." Draco admitted honestly.

"I thought so too. Could've sworn Hermione was in love with me, it was like a switch was flipped or something." Ron shrugged.

"After this you want to get some butter beer or something? You're the only other person who understands this pain." Draco asked.

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