Percy x Oliver ~ The Fate Effect (Au)

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A/N: I liked the concept, and I may do it for more than one ship. If you know manga or anime, you may know the trope which I dubbed "The Fate Effect"

Also, two guest stars in this chapter, InstagramGirl3 and Me! The next chapter is something she requested and because she's awesome I was like, "I need her in this. For moral support."



The bar was filled with noise, and it reeked of a pungent scent. Percy was in the midst of it all, sitting at the bar, alone.

"You should get a girlfriend Percy." George teased as he cleaned glasses.

"If he does, we lose a regular!" Fred joked.

"Honestly, how can you stand this place? It smells horrid!" Percy scrunched up his nose.

"It's not that bad. Besides, the people who come here are a joy." George chuckled, glancing st the door.

"Oh, it's Oliver!" Fred said happily. A man sat down next to Percy, and Percy glanced at him out of the corner of his eyes. Brown hair, brown eye. Buff build. Percy didn't really care much and shifted his gaze back to his brothers.

"What will you have Oliver?" George asked.

"The usual." Oliver smiled, Percy catching nobly a mere glimpse of it. It was, sweet. Percy liked it.

"You are the only one who likes Mischief Managed." Fred shook his head as George prepared the drinks.

"Our brother Percy's favorite drink here is the Valedictorian. Obviously." George laughed.

"Sod off you two. Anyways, I have work in the morning, just came to chat. Don't forget to write to mom." Percy waved goodbye and went to leave.

"Come back any time!" The twins said together, smirking like devils. The girls there melted at the sight.

"That's your brother?" Oliver asked as soon as Percy left.

"One of them. We have three older brothers and a younger bro, a little sis too. Big family. Percy's the closest to us in age. He's twenty three." Fred informed.

"Oh, we're the same age then." Oliver smiled at the door.

"Sorry buddy, our brother's straight." George informed.

"Really? Shame." Oliver shrugged.

"Besides, the only time you'd ever see him is here or at his job. He never invites anyone home." The twins shook their head sadly.

"Why do you two work at a bar?" Oliver asked, taking a drink from Mischief Managed.

"Oh, our oldest brother owns it. We're working part time as we finish college. Not everyone is as lucky as our bother, graduating early." The twins sighed sadly.

"Aren't you glad it's summer then?" Oliver asked.

"Of course!" The twins said together, nodding. Oliver smiled at the pair, thinking about the red haired boy who just left. Shame they'd never meet again....

"Ugh, work is exhausting." Percy groaned as he was seated at his favorite local restaurant.

"You're telling me, rush hour is killing me and Lily." Percy chuckled and smiled at James. The potters were a sweet couple who had a successful restaurant chain and were very wealthy, but they still waited tables and had a very modest home. Sweet kind people.

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