Ron x Hermione ~ Love Is Strange

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A/N: I don't do cannon couples as much as I do others, mostly because they already get their fair share of attention and fan art. Well, that and the fact is, I simply don't agree with all the cannon ships. Don't get me wrong, I love this one, but I ship both characters with others because they suit each their better. I just don't like Hinny much. Reread the books and really focus on what Ginny says and does, you'll understand my frustration. Anyways, besides that, I like trying to build relationships instead of working with pre-existing ones.

That said, I've come back to a classic and iconic couple and I hope you all enjoy the one shot for what it is and save your ship hate because fuck it, I don't want to hear it. Other people like it, so fuck off.

Another short story since finals are literally Friday, Monday and Tuesday for me and I need to study.


"It blossomed faster than she knew it. Her eyes met his and she felt the unexplainable flutter in her heart. She didn't know anything about love then, she was only eleven, but she couldn't escape the feeling.

When Ron made fun of her, she felt a harsh thud in her heart and she felt like he ripped her open, just to stab her.

Yet her heart fluttered when he came to save her, using her advice. She fell harder with each passing second.

When he fell off his chess piece as they headed for the stone, she felt her heart stop dead, but she still had no words, no knowledge of this feeling.

The next year was uneventful in terms of the feelings she harbored, but she grew closer to them as they worked to find the chamber of secrets. She blacked out near the end, having been paralyzed from the monster that lurked in the chamber.

When she woke up, one little word in her lips:


Third year really kickstarted her feelings as she started to stick closer to Ron, yet stay some distance in worry of scaring him off. When he got injured, she was frantic and right away got Harry to go back and fix things.

The next year se learned about infatuation as she found herself infatuated wth the Bulgarian Quidditch player named Viktor Krum. He gave her all the attention she desired, the attention she needed.

Still, every second felt off, like she was cheating Ron. When she kissed Viktor, she felt wrong about it. Viktor was everything se dreamed, but he was no Ron.

Their fifth year just confirmed her feelings. She was in love! She didn't know what to do, but she didn't have time to worry about it since she had to help Harry power through the year and go against the evil Umbridge who everyone hated more than Voldemort.

In sixth year, she worked up the courage to tell him, being sloppier with her actions in hiding it. Then, it was ruined when Lavender Brown came and took Ron, inspiring a feeling of jealousy through her.

The entire year was spent semi-resenting Ron and getting angry at him for no reason at times, but the year ended abruptly.

The pair, oh that pair finally go together after a war. A literal war had to happen before they got together. To her, I was all worth it."

"That's the story of you and dad?" Rose asked, sitting on her bed cross legged.

"A little bit. It was an interesting story, right?" Hermione asked softly. Rose nodded wildly.

"Definitely!" The pair laughed for a bit when the door cracked open, Ron peaking his head in.

"I heard giggling, what's so funny?" He asked.

"Our love story, apparently." Hermione laughed.

"You find that funny and not the story of how I nearly killed your uncle?...... multiple times?" Ron questioned curiously.

"You've told me those stories a million times. Tell them to Hugo or- oh he's asleep." The three peered over to notice Hugo passed out on his bed. "Why are we sharing a room?"

"You'll get your own room wen you're older. For now, it won't hurt to share." Ron smiled.

"Fine. Oh! Tell me about your wedding!" Rose asked.

"Oh that story again?" Ron sat next to Rose. "It all started with me waking up ten minutes late to the wedding....."


A/N: hope you enjoyed this short story for this Harry Potter couple. See you in the next one shot!

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