Harry x Draco ~ Fireworks (Au)

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A/N: as most of you know, I've been in New York for the past few days,  had fun. Barely spent anything since it was a birthday trip and my mom is awesome. You can ask me about my trip if you want.

Anyways, I live in a neighborhood with some..... trigger happy people in terms of fireworks. So, it inspired me to write this, while the fucking fireworks keep blasting around me. I have pets, come on.....


"Fucking Americans, and their stupid fireworks." Draco mumbles as he sipped his tea.

"They truly love their independence." Harry chuckled as he sat on the table, tea in hand. He stared out the giant glass window, overlooking the night sky and glittering lifts below. A sea of fireworks illuminating their sitting area.

"Bug everyone forgets Canada Day." Draco reminded.

"That's the... first?" Harry hummed as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yes. July is just a month full of escape from British rule. I don't blame anyone, our healthcare system sucks arse." Draco snorted.

"True. We're only staying for a few years you know, for my job." Harry reminded softly.

"I know Harry. Then we hightail it in over to where ever you need to be. I joined the company not to long ago I get the gist of it." Draco set down his tea and got up, pushing his chair back in. "I'm going to see if your stupid owl is alright. Fireworks aren't pleasant for most animals." Draco informed and headed upstairs to where Hedwig was. Harry smiled softly after him.

Sure, Draco was being rude and all, but Harry always found that side of him cute. He knew that Draco really just wanted attention, and Harry loved giving him attention. He set down his tea and headed upstairs after Draco, leaning against the doorframe of the room, Draco not noticing him.

Draco was stroking Hedwig's wings, the owl's eyes closed as she accepting the calming touch. Her wings were a bit ruffled, not liking the loud noise, but Draco calmed her down. They had another owl as well, Godric, also Harry's, Draco had got the owl for him when they moved. God Ric was hardly startled by it all. The owl in question was asleep.

After awhile, Hedwig fell asleep and Draco put her in her cage, going to leave the room, seeing Harry.

"How long have you've been there?" He asked, cheeks flushed red, standing out against his pale skin.

"For a bit. Come on, let's go sit outside and watch the fireworks." Harry smiled, gesturing towards the front door.

"What's so special about fireworks? It's not our holiday." Draco scoffed as he left the room, closing the door gently.

"So? I thought you loved fireworks?" Harry paused and glanced out the window, "besides, fireworks, no matter the holiday they're for, are always stunning." Harry looked at the fireworks in fascination and Draco simply admired the way Harry looked. His emerald green eyes twinkled with joy, the reflections of fireworks bursting in his eyes. His hair, a mess like always, was haphazardly thrown about, getting in his eyes a bit, his glasses loosely resting on his nose. He was fit, Draco assume dot was from all his years on the rugby team back in high school. Maybe tennis? No... track.... Harry was athletic. Compare to Draco who was on the swimming team, Harry had the more desirable muscles though Draco certainly wasn't lacking.

Harry glanced over at Draco through the corner of his eyes, and saw him smiling lovingly at him. He decided to tease the blonde.

"Take a picture, it will last longer." He smirked, causing Draco to blush, and smack Harry on the arm.

"Twat." He mumbled. Harry smiled and pulled Draco close, pressing their foreheads together.

"I'm just teasing you. I love you after all." Harry said softly.

"I love you too. Let's go watch the bloody fireworks." Draco mumbled softly. Harry pressed a soft kiss to Draco's lips, sweetly bringing his own fireworks, igniting a flame between them like their kids always did. Harry pulled away after a minute of gentle kissing, pressing another kiss to Draco's forehead.

"Let's go." They held hands as they headed downstairs, hearing the fireworks blare in the distance. Their now cold tea long since forgotten as hey headed out into the warm summer night. They sat on their front steps, cuddled into each other. Harry has an arm around Draco while he held Draco's hand with his free hand. They watched the sky grow jade, violet, indigo, all shades of color as they burst into the night sky, sending sparkling showers of light against the stars.

"I'll give it to them, they're a proud nation, despite what shit is thrown at them, they're proud." Draco smiled softly.

"I could sing the national anthem?" Harry suggested.

"Do that and I'll slap you." Draco snorted. The two were simply onlookers of America's yearly tradition, but they lived the display of light. So much so, that when all the light died down, with stray fireworks here and there, they headed back inside, something other than sleep on their minds.

The morning after the fourth was always a bit sullen. For some, it was a hangover filled disaster, for others, simply a tired celebration awakening, for Draco and Harry, it was bliss. They were peaceful pressed against each other, Draco curled into Harry.

Light trickled in from the window, cascading their bare bodies in the morning after glow. They were awake, in the early hours of that morning, the fifth, just smiling at each other, holding hands with their foreheads pressed together. Silver gleamed on their ring fingers, telling everyone who saw them a simple truth.

"I'm taken by you," Draco whispered softly , "you dominate every inch of my heart."

Harry smiled at the words, "and you've enchanted me. There's no one alive who could make me feel the same way that I feel now." The two laughed softly, realizing they were rambling.

"You're my firework," Draco whispered,   Cupping Harry's cheek gingerly, "a firework that will never sizzle out."

"I could say the same about you, but you phrased it better." They kissed softly, holding onto each other, eyes closed in pure bliss. They loved each other, their love burned brighter than any of the fireworks that appeared last night.

They were each other's fireworks.


A/N: I like, power wrote this in less than half an hour, wow. I like it!


If you have a pet, try to calm them, most pets dislike fireworks.

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