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A/N: first off, let me address something, if there is a ship bot in my series of one shots, I either feel uncomfortable writing for it, haven't heard of the ship, or I'm plan on wiring it soon. Some ships in the works

Dean x Seamus

Luna x Ginny

And then ones I've written about before. There are ships that aren't bad, but don't plan on writing for because it's extremely difficult for me.

Ron x Draco (maybe in the future)

Ginny x Hermione

Fred or George x Hermione (maybebin the future)

And then there are ships that I will NEVER WRITE so stop asking!

Ginny x Draco (why)

Hermione x Voldemort, snaps, or Dumbledore and for the love of god, not Sirius or Remus.

Fred x George (mostly because twinest, but I'm not opposed to a one shot about the brothers, just, no romance)

Just, none of the teachers x students and no teacher x teacher. So for the love of god, STOP ASKING!

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but I really do love you guys and don't want you to feel upset when a ship you like isn't in here. I have a hard time writing for certain ships given my relationship with the characters. Please forgive me for feeling this way.

Another thing, when you comment, if you are uncomfortable with people's replies to it, or feel overwhelmed, I am here to talk.

Don't be afraid to suggest one shots either, I love seeing all of you come up with fun ideas, just keep in mind that I am a person too and there are just some things that make me uncomfortable.

With all that said, a Percy X Oliver, A Seamus x Dean, and a Luna x Ginny are set to be written this week. Maybe not today, maybe it's neat the end of the week, all bunched together, but this week nonetheless.

I love you guys, so play nice together?


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