Harry Potter ~ Turn Back The Clocks

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A/N: soooo I thought it would be funny to see the second generation go back farther!

I'm not gonna bother describing them, I'm just referring to them by name right off the bat. You should know who they are.


The marauders were sitting in the great hall, along with many others, enjoying breakfast. Then, with a sudden flash, a mess of students wearing Hogwarts robes. There were two adults among them.

For the most part, they were all Gryffindor, besides two of them who were Slytherin. Teddy and Victoria had taken James, Albus, Lily, Rose, and Scorpius on an adventure back in time.... again. Albus got to his feet.

"You did it again! We went even Farther back then last time! And now you dragged my siblings and your fucking fiancé into this!" Albus shouted.

"Can you blame him really? He's not the brightest, despite how intelligent his father is." Victoria giggled.

"They didn't treat me too kindly at Hogwarts, remember. I'm half werewolf." Teddy scowled. The students in the great hall looked wildly at the new arrivals.

"Hey, everyone loved you." James defended.

"Shut it James. You, Albus and Lily can sod off." He snapped. The laid back personality from before, retreated.

"Hey! Let's not fight!" Rose said frantically." 

"Yeah, let's not fight. I'm sure everyone is a bit confused by us being here." Scorpius added.

"Rose and Scorpius are right." Victoria said softly and Teddy rolled his shoulders.

"Exactly, who are you?" Albus asked the group. Everyone tuned in.

"Oh! Well, I'll go first! I'm Rose Weasley! My parents aren't quite alive yet, the only parents who are alive in this time are Teddy's." Rose informed.

"I'm Scorpius Malfoy, pleasure to meet you." Scorpius smiled at the headmaster. Some mumbling was heard at the Slytherin table.

"I'm Victoria Weasley, Rose's and those three's cousin." Victoria smiled sweetly.

"I'm Albus James Sirius Potter, my dad really is creative." James said sarcastically.

"Wait! Hold up! You're my grandkid!" James exclaimed.

"Your kid likes me as it seems." Sirius smirked.

"I am. Pleased to see you." James smiled and Albus and Lily waved.

"I'm Lily Luna Potter! I'm named after my Grandma!" Everyone turned to Lily and James. The pair had barely gotten together by this point. The two blushed heavily.

"I'm afraid that in my in our time, you're not around, so my father named me after you who he was great friends with during school. I'm also names after a teacher my father had and saw as a hero. I'm Albus Severus Potter, the first in my family not to end up in Gryffindor." Albus introduced.

"Hero? What was your son on?" Remus questioned.

"Beats me." James snorted.

"The name's Teddy Lupin. I'm an orphan raised by the great Harry Potter, who's also an orphan." Teddy introduced.

"Wait! Doesn't that imply we don't live to see any of you?" James asked.

"Nope. My dad lived the longest out of you four. Nice to meet ya." Teddy nodded in Remus' direction and the werewolf of widened his eyes in shock.

"Do Peter and I have kids?" Sirius asked.

"No, afraid not. My father saw you like a second father though." James assured.

"Man, that means you two get laid." Sirius muttered.

"Your time, we're all very curious what it's like." Albus commented.

"You'll forget we were here when we leave so sure, we'll tell you about the future." Teddy shrugged.

"Let it be known that I, Albus Potter am dating a rival of my father's son, Scorpius." Albus shrugged, holding his boyfriends hand.

"More important, in our time, Voldemort is dead, never to return. And he killed my grandparents, and my parents. Those threes grandparents and their uncle." Teddy informed.

"He didn't kill your parents directly-" Victoria was cut off.

"But e killed our grandparents directly! Grandma died protecting our dad!" Albus exclaimed. Lily and James love ones shocked at the news.

"Oh and our wonderful father, with the stone, the cloak and the wand, vanquished him, died, only to come back!" James snorted.

"Quite the son." Sirius muttered.

"He's gone in our time. A... prophecy will be told soon, of a hero. There was only two candidates, Neville Longbottom, and Harry Potter. In the end, it was Harry, our dad. And the reason our grandparents were killed and our dad targeted? Jealousy and betrayal!" Lily exclaimed.

"Who betrays who? And who's jealous?" Albus questioned softly.

"Two people will refuse to role up their sleeves. Two important people. And they are-" the group vanished, the memory of them along with them.

Everything would go as it needed to go.





A/N: its short and I decided to write it for fun hope you liked it!

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