Viktor x Harry ~ Jealousy

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A/N: I'm not sick anymore!!! Not really, still sick. Not as disorienting at least. So my schedule should be somewhat back to normal. Somewhat.

oh and @InstagramGirl3 you bring me such new ships. I love it!

Anyways, I'm not 100% comfortable with part of the request/idea so I may edit it a bit, you'll get it.

(Mostly issue because I get iffy when it comes to what you asked and age of consent because just because there's no sex... well..)

Hope you all enjoy it.

Also, making up some bullshit near the end... eh, you'll see.


Harry sat at his spot at the table in the great hall, feeling eyes that burned into his back.

"People still seemed annoyed im in this tournament." Harry sighed.

"Cheer up Harry! The Yule ball is coming up!" Hermione smiled sweetly.

"Cheer up, I don't have a date!" Harry groaned.

"Worst case scenario mate, I'll be your date." Ron joked.

"Very funny Ronald. What about you ask the.... Parvarti twins?" Hermione suggested.

"That's actually a good idea. You ever notice that all the twins in this school are in Gryffindor?" Harry muttered the last part as he stretched a bit.

"Are you going with anyone Hermione?" Ron asked. Harry let his eyes graze over the two. He shipped it. Though Hermione and Draco would be a fun thing to watch. And Ron with Blaise. Ah well.

"I'm going with Krum." Hermione informed, slight heat in her cheeks. Oh. She liked him. Harry smiled encouragingly.

"That's wonderful Hermione, he's a handsome bloke." Harry chuckled.

"Why support it? He's your competition!" Ron exclaimed silently.

"Ron, if you view everything like that you'll get no where in life. Besides, I'd date my competition." Harry's tongue almost seemed to poke out through his teeth as he flashed Ron a cheeky grin.

"Oh bug off."

At the Slytherin table, Viktor was talking to some of the Slytherins. Specifically Draco's crowd. Their group was pushed away from the others, giving them some freedom to talk.

"I swear one of these days we'll find out Potter or Weasel is Gay or something." Draco muttered.

"If Weasley was Gay that would leave Hermione for you wouldn't it?" Blaise snickered.

"Sod off. I wouldn't date that Mudblood  even if I was forced to to save my parents." Draco scoffed.

"I don't mean to intrude on you,... pleasant conversation," Viktor spoke with his thick accent, "but you realize I'm taking that same Wizard to the Yule ball?" Draco paled a bit then regained composure.

"What, couldn't ask the person you wanted? The good ones taken?" Draco snickered. Viktor rolled his eyes at the behavior.

"I may have had interests in another, but I chose Hermione because she is smart and beautiful. Obviously she's going further in life than you." Viktor smirked as he saw Draco become speechless. Blaise and Pansy just snickered a bit.

Harry glanced at the table to Look at Viktor as Hermione droned on and on about him. Harry noted the smug look on his face and smiled a bit. Viktor glanced over and Harry frantically turned back towards his friends. A flush crept up unexpectedly and disappeared quickly before his friends got a chance to notice. He clutched at his heart a bit.

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