James x Lilly ~ Under The Mistletoe

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Lily brushed her red hair out of her eyes. She walked to the castle from the black lake. Snow crunching under her feet as the cold air nipped at her face.

"Lily!" Molly exclaimed. Lily turned and saw her friend. She smiled kindly.

"Hey Molly. How's it going?" Lily asked.

"Arthur finally asked me out!" Molly exclaimed. Lily giggles.

"That's awesome Molly!" Lily exclaimed.

"So, when are you finally going to accept James and go out with him?" Molly asks Lily.

"When pigs fly." Lily said. The two girls entered the castle and Molly saw Alice.

"I'll talk to you later Lily, Alice promised to help me pick an outfit for my date." Molly said. Lily nodded and smiled. She saw the Marauders leaning against a wall. Well, Sirus and James. Peter wasn't there, he was in the infirmary from eating something he wasn't supposed to, and Remus was just standing causally besides them.

"Hey Lily!" Remus exclaimed.

"Hello Remus. James, Sirus." Lily said.

"What are you planning to do for Christmas?" Sirus asked politely.

"Going home to my family. The same as always." Lily said.

"Why don't you hang with me and Sirus and Remus at me place? My mother would be delighted to meet you." James tells her.

"I'll think about it." James walked closer to talk to me better.

"That's great. So, did you hear Molly and Arthur are going out?" James asked.

"Molly just told me. I'm happy for them." Lily said.

"James, Lily, you two are under the mistletoe!" Sirus exclaimed. Both of them look up and see mistletoe magically appear as it does all around Hogwarts.

"Hey, it's almost Christmas." James said. Lily rolled her eyes and kissed James under the mistletoe. It lasted for only a minute.

"See you around guys." Lily walked away, a smile on her face. She rendered James Potter speechless. That's a first.


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