Scorpius x Rose ~ Childish Rivalry

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A/N: Oh my god! I have over 2k reads!!!! Thank you all for taking time to read this! You have no idea what it means to me!!!!!


Rose took what her father said to heart, she tied with Scorpius in every subject academically. They were at the top of all their classes. Rose was a Ravenclaw, while Scorpius was a Slytherin. He almost ended up in Ravenclaw, but he was far to cunning.

While they tend to be quite sophisticated, their childish side comes out when they argue. Albus, being both of their friends, ships them with all of his heart. His father does too, saying they remind him of Ron and Hermione when they were younger.

"Does anyone know what the spell to stun someone is?" The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher asked. The teacher was a man named Dean Thomas. Yes, the Dean Thomas who was friends with Harry Potter. He was actually only a substitute DADA teacher until their old teacher got back from maternity leave.

Both Rose's and Scorpius' hands shot up. They glared at each other and silently pleaded the teacher called on them. Albus was plotting ways for them to get together as he watched them pretty much eye fuck each other. Not that they noticed the other doing it. It was quite ridiculous they weren't together yet. It was 6th year!

"Anyone else besides these two?" Dean sighed. Albus raised his hand. "Yes Albus?" Dean questions.

"Isn't it Stupify?" Albus replied.

"That is correct. You know, when I was in sixth year, there was this nasty little woman who dressed in pink. She had the job I do and she forbid us from using magic. Your father Albus, created a group called the DA. Also known as Dumbledore's Army. He taught us the spells that were deprived from us. His father caught us." Dean said, pointing to Scorpius.

"My father said the Malfoy's weren't bad people." Albus said.

"They aren't. He wasn't bad, just a bit spoiled. He did save Harry's life by not telling anyone that the boy dragged to Malfoy manor was the Harry Potter." Dean said with a smile.

"Didn't he set the room of requirements on fire?" Rose questioned.

"No, the person who did set it on fire died in his own flames." Dean said. The hour went on and Rose and Scorpius fought to answer every question. When the class ended, the trio left together.

"Okay, when will you two get together? You practically eye fuck each other all the time!" Albus exclaimed. Both Rose and Scorpius blushed bright red.

"Hey Albus!" Savannah called. Her hair was dyed bright electric blue.

"The Slytherin called. Got to go guys. Get together already." James jogged over to Savannah and his girlfriend Julia. They kept walking away.

"Well, this is awkward." Rose said.

"Um, Rose, would you maybe, want to go out sometime?" Scorpius asked.

"I'd love too." Rose got on her tippy toes and kissed his cheek. Scorpius turned redder than Rose's hair.

"We should go catch up with Albus." Scorpius muttered.

"Let's." Rose grabbed Scorpius' hand and they made their way to Albus.


A/N: good, or bad?

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